You're finally here! Ethan, you will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. I should have written this blog weeks ago. I was just feeding you and saw a commercial about a Dad who writes to his daughter on the Web and it made me cry. We love you so much Ethan.
Well, Dr. Campbell scheduled to have Kris and I go to Brookwood Medical Center and spend the night on Thursday, April 28th, and on Friday, April 29th the nurses started inducing labor. We were so excited on Thursday. We were taken to our hospital room, and met a few of the nurses. Kris will remember their names, but I was saving my thoughts and energy for labor. We went to sleep around 11pm, and at about 5am the nurse came in. They started the Petocin. She increased it until my contractions were so strong and close together that i was literally screaming with pain. Yes, it hurt! Kris, my mom, and the nurse were in the room and they tried to help the pain by telling me to breathe, and putting pressure on my back, but I thought I was dying. It was horrible. I dilated to 1.5 cm and they gave me the epideral. They want to wait until 4 cm dilated, but I think I would have passed out before then.
After that, I could not feel my legs or pelvis. Kris and my mom moved my legs for me to help me get comfortable. It was weird. My legs felt so heavy. From then on, I didn't even know when I was having a contraction. A few times I asked the nurse, "Was that a contraction?"
Dr. Campbell decided when I had only dilated to 6 cm, and Ethan couldn't get his head down far enough, that I needed to have a C-section. I was fine with that, but it did make me cry. I was scared. I felt like I'd done something wrong and I was afraid I could die in surgery. I know that is absurd. It obviously was not my fault. My mom had 3 C-sections. It is also about a 1 in a trillion chance that I would die, but I really thought, ok.. this is it for me, and I prayed.
This was my first surgery. I am lucky. There was a lot of tugging and pulling, which was weird. When they were getting Ethan out, the doctors said "here he is", "it's a boy", and "he's peeing." That was funny. I was so happy and relieved. Kris cried. I just laughed and couldn't believe what was happening. I love taking myself back to that moment. It was truly amazing.
Ethan weighed 7 lbs 15 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. They brought him to me after cleaning him off and weighing him. Kris was able to see him, and he looked at the surgery. He is perfect. I didn't sleep at all that night, and not much at all during the rest of our stay at the hospital. We came home Monday afternoon. I was exhausted the whole time. I was also in pain. It was hard to move when the medicine was wearing off. I breastfed in the hospital. Ethan was treated for juandis for a day. Ethan looked so tiny under the light. We talked to the lactation consultant and the pediatrician. I'm glad we are home. I will never forget that whole weekend experience!
Ethan Lane Griffin- born April 29, 2011
Ethan Lane Griffin- born April 29, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Ready for a Fun Summer!
God's timing is so perfect. I have only one week left of pregnancy, if he waits; and one week left of Spring classes. Kris and I have been talking about some of the things we are going to do this summer. I have a Bjorn baby carrier, so spending time walking at Oak Mountain State Park and being outdoors will be easier for me. I have goals to lose all the baby weight and then some before our wedding anniversary on September 17th. Kris knows that I'll want to go for runs during the week when he comes home from work. I love being outside in the Summer, and I'm looking forward to keeping busy with the baby.
The baby doesn't seem very comfortable today. I think he just got too hungry. I ate lunch, but in two hours I had to eat again. I felt him kicking and felt a little nauseous. I feel really sick right now because of something that happened recently causing us to lose $680. I'm in the worst mood because of it. I'm not really happy with people playing games with my money. I hope they get worse in return.
Well, I have avoided reading about Postpartum Depression because I think I have ways to prevent it from happening to me. I have heard several stories of women who have gone through a minor to severe case of this. I'm feeling so depressed and ill today that I thought I might read a little bit about it. This of course is depression women experience after giving birth. It usually occurs soon after delivery, and may last several years. It is brought on by several factors: mood changes during pregnancy, lack of sleep, less freedom and time for yourself, changing in your body, and changes in your relationships. I have experienced all of the above. The following website gives more information about postpartum depression.
Certain circumstances are making me feel down lately. All of these are things I am unable to control, which makes it harder. I have a friend who blogs about her postpartum depression. I have family and friends who will be there for me should I go through even a slight case of this. Let's just hope life is happy this Summer. I will probably blog about it all!
The baby doesn't seem very comfortable today. I think he just got too hungry. I ate lunch, but in two hours I had to eat again. I felt him kicking and felt a little nauseous. I feel really sick right now because of something that happened recently causing us to lose $680. I'm in the worst mood because of it. I'm not really happy with people playing games with my money. I hope they get worse in return.
Well, I have avoided reading about Postpartum Depression because I think I have ways to prevent it from happening to me. I have heard several stories of women who have gone through a minor to severe case of this. I'm feeling so depressed and ill today that I thought I might read a little bit about it. This of course is depression women experience after giving birth. It usually occurs soon after delivery, and may last several years. It is brought on by several factors: mood changes during pregnancy, lack of sleep, less freedom and time for yourself, changing in your body, and changes in your relationships. I have experienced all of the above. The following website gives more information about postpartum depression.
Certain circumstances are making me feel down lately. All of these are things I am unable to control, which makes it harder. I have a friend who blogs about her postpartum depression. I have family and friends who will be there for me should I go through even a slight case of this. Let's just hope life is happy this Summer. I will probably blog about it all!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
39 1/2 Weeks Pregnant
We went to the OB appointment today. Kris went with me. We were really excited to find out if there were any changes. Dr. Campbell measured me. He is going to be a big baby; over 8 lbs. I have gained a whopping 55 pounds. Yikes! Everyone says I look great though. I feel great too, but sometimes I'm just really ready to not be pregnant anymore. There is no dilation, only thinning to my cervix. If Ethan is not born between now and next Thursday, we will go in Thursday at 4:30. They will place something behind my cervix to make it dilate, and the next morning they will start the process to induce me into labor. If that happens, he will be born on Friday, April 29, 2011. They do not let you go over a week past your due date to prevent any complications. When Kris and I were born, it was a little bit different. They didn't schedule inductions like they do now. It'll also help prevent a C-section. Now that I feel so incredibly big, I'm more afraid that I will have to have a C-section. It wouldn't be that bad, but the recovery process is more slow, and I will have a scar.
This is probably really weird, but I'm excited about being in the hospital for two nights. I'll get lots of attention, and I get to just lay around in my PJ's with my husband and new baby. I can be lazy, watch TV, read magazines, visit with family and friends, and have a new baby. What's better than that? Kris has a lot of family who will visit us. We really are blessed. My husband is a family man, and I like that. We have a lot of friends who said they are coming to visit too.
If I do get induced, then I will only have one final left on May 4th. I really don't want to leave the baby, so my plan is to have my mom or someone come with me downtown. While I'm taking the final they can stay with Ethan in the car and maybe take him outside for an hour, then I'll be back in the car again before he gets too hungry and starts crying. Newborns have to eat every 2-3 hours. Wow! I am so ready.
If I go into labor between now and next Thursday, I will probably miss two tests. I don't want to miss two tests, so I really hope he just stays in until the 29th.
This is probably really weird, but I'm excited about being in the hospital for two nights. I'll get lots of attention, and I get to just lay around in my PJ's with my husband and new baby. I can be lazy, watch TV, read magazines, visit with family and friends, and have a new baby. What's better than that? Kris has a lot of family who will visit us. We really are blessed. My husband is a family man, and I like that. We have a lot of friends who said they are coming to visit too.
If I do get induced, then I will only have one final left on May 4th. I really don't want to leave the baby, so my plan is to have my mom or someone come with me downtown. While I'm taking the final they can stay with Ethan in the car and maybe take him outside for an hour, then I'll be back in the car again before he gets too hungry and starts crying. Newborns have to eat every 2-3 hours. Wow! I am so ready.
If I go into labor between now and next Thursday, I will probably miss two tests. I don't want to miss two tests, so I really hope he just stays in until the 29th.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Hospital Checklist for Labor
Well, we have already packed our bags for the hospital, but sadly I haven't really looked at the checklist and really taken the time to put everything together that we will need. I really have had my mind on other things. I have the diaper bag packed. We have packed comfortable clothes and a few other things. I googled hospital checklists for labor, but really haven't relied on them except for a few things I may not have thought of.
This is my personal checklist:
1. Nightgowns that can be ruined.
2. Panties that can be ruined.
3. Heavy flow pads
4. Nursing bras
5. Robe
6. Slippers
7. Thick socks
8. Camera
9. Coming home clothes- maternity size
10. Nursing pads
11. Extra batteries
12. Extra memory card for camera
13. Coming home clothes for baby
14. No scratch mittens
15. Booties
16. Essentials for the diaper bag
17. Baby book
18. Magazine to read
19. 3 pairs of comfy clothes for Kris
20. Snacks
21. Change for the vending machines
22. Shampoo and Conditioner
23. Face wash
24. Body lotion & oil
25. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
26. Mouthwash
27. Towel for shower
28. 2 Baby blankets
29. Carseat
30. Hospital paperwork
31. Laptop
These are not all packed! I don't want to feel rushed, but if I pack everything, I wont have it out to use for the days until then. I'll probably get more of these things together tonight and make sure we are not searching for something at the last minute.
This is my personal checklist:
1. Nightgowns that can be ruined.
2. Panties that can be ruined.
3. Heavy flow pads
4. Nursing bras
5. Robe
6. Slippers
7. Thick socks
8. Camera
9. Coming home clothes- maternity size
10. Nursing pads
11. Extra batteries
12. Extra memory card for camera
13. Coming home clothes for baby
14. No scratch mittens
15. Booties
16. Essentials for the diaper bag
17. Baby book
18. Magazine to read
19. 3 pairs of comfy clothes for Kris
20. Snacks
21. Change for the vending machines
22. Shampoo and Conditioner
23. Face wash
24. Body lotion & oil
25. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
26. Mouthwash
27. Towel for shower
28. 2 Baby blankets
29. Carseat
30. Hospital paperwork
31. Laptop
These are not all packed! I don't want to feel rushed, but if I pack everything, I wont have it out to use for the days until then. I'll probably get more of these things together tonight and make sure we are not searching for something at the last minute.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
6 More Days
With 6 days until Ethan's due date, we are a little more than ready for his arrival. I have been doing all the tricks and do feel some contractions, but it is nothing constant and not like real labor. Aww, I hear a baby crying. :) I cannot wait to hear our baby let out that first cry. It will be such a relief. That is how everyone explains giving birth and hearing their baby cry. I have been really emotional for the past few days. I haven't felt him move a lot lately either. It worries me, but I have read that is normal towards the end because he hardly has much room in there. A few stretch marks popped up this week. Ick! They are not bad. You can barely see them, and I know they'll fade even more. I had none until week 38. The marks of motherhood are worth it.
We drove to the hospital last night and got pre-admitted. This is something we do to make it easier when we go in during the real labor. I'm a little concerned about having to leave a newborn to take finals. I will have to have some pumped breast milk for my mom or whoever is keeping him to feed him while I'm gone for 3 or 4 hours. I'm a little worried about having a C-section too. Ethan is going to be over 8 lbs. I wouldn't mind having him born on Easter, but this week will be much better. They will schedule an induction if we make it to the appointment on the 19th and there is still no dilation.
Well, I'm a little jealous now. A Facebook friend of mine is in labor and she is due 3 days after me. I told Kris we needed to stop by the store and get pineapple juice, ride on a bumpy road, and go on a walk. This week has to be the week! I really wanna hurry this along, so I think I'll do some walking and housecleaning tonight. I will need to study Accounting, but that takes sitting, and I should just be on the move. :)
Our baby is not finished growing, of course, but his growth has slowed down tremendously in the last couple weeks. His head will be soft when he is born to fit more easily through the birth canal. Most newborns have a cone shaped head after being delivered vaginally. It looks weird, but will eventually go back to normal shape. They also aren't the cutest when they are first born. It takes a little while for some newborns to look cute.
Another thing I didn't know before pregnancy is that prenatal vitamins should be taken while nursing after the baby is born. We have gotten free samples from the OB at every visit, but I will have to buy some for nursing during the next year. Well, hopefully my next blog will be about labor and delivery!
We drove to the hospital last night and got pre-admitted. This is something we do to make it easier when we go in during the real labor. I'm a little concerned about having to leave a newborn to take finals. I will have to have some pumped breast milk for my mom or whoever is keeping him to feed him while I'm gone for 3 or 4 hours. I'm a little worried about having a C-section too. Ethan is going to be over 8 lbs. I wouldn't mind having him born on Easter, but this week will be much better. They will schedule an induction if we make it to the appointment on the 19th and there is still no dilation.
Well, I'm a little jealous now. A Facebook friend of mine is in labor and she is due 3 days after me. I told Kris we needed to stop by the store and get pineapple juice, ride on a bumpy road, and go on a walk. This week has to be the week! I really wanna hurry this along, so I think I'll do some walking and housecleaning tonight. I will need to study Accounting, but that takes sitting, and I should just be on the move. :)
Our baby is not finished growing, of course, but his growth has slowed down tremendously in the last couple weeks. His head will be soft when he is born to fit more easily through the birth canal. Most newborns have a cone shaped head after being delivered vaginally. It looks weird, but will eventually go back to normal shape. They also aren't the cutest when they are first born. It takes a little while for some newborns to look cute.
Another thing I didn't know before pregnancy is that prenatal vitamins should be taken while nursing after the baby is born. We have gotten free samples from the OB at every visit, but I will have to buy some for nursing during the next year. Well, hopefully my next blog will be about labor and delivery!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Working Mom
With a handful of classes left at UAB, and a baby due just next Friday, I have been seriously asking myself how I'm going to handle finishing my classes, a new baby, and then a career. Of course, by the time I begin my career, Ethan will be nearly two years old, but we plan to have three children, so I may be pregnant again. Life can be hard. There are always unexpected things that come up. Dealing with the emotions of being a wife, a mom, and a career woman are not going to be easy, and by age 27, I have learned that life does not go as I plan it. There is no sense in me planning the next five years of my life on paper. The best I can hope for is to achieve most of my goals and keep most of my sanity.
I found an interview of Fox News Correspondant, Jennifer Griffin, who just so happens to have my last name, and my career path. She also recently gave birth to her third child.
The interview is about juggling her career and her family. One of the questions was "How are you adjusting?" She says,"... the key to getting through the initial three weeks is to have low expectations." What she means by this is that we shouldn't expect it to be picture perfect: "You're lucky if you have time to shower," she says. Of course she has three children and a highly demanding career, so with one newborn and no work to demand my time, I should be able to shower daily. I have the concerns of a first time mom.
It's overwhelming for me to think about how I am going to do everything. I am overwhelmed! I know I don't have three children and work for Fox News, but I also don't have a full-time caregiver or 1/4 the salary of a Fox News Correspondant. I could tell you that reading her story helped and made me feel like I can do it, but it didn't. I'm nervous. My dreams are coming true, but it's scaring me to death. I wish I knew everything was going to be okay. Actually, I wish life would stop throwing us lemons and sour tomatoes. We want the best for Ethan, and I want to protect him in this messed up world we live in. I wonder "How am I going to do that while I'm at work." We need to have a stable home life with bills paid, food on the table, and things we are proud of.
I found an interview of Fox News Correspondant, Jennifer Griffin, who just so happens to have my last name, and my career path. She also recently gave birth to her third child.
The interview is about juggling her career and her family. One of the questions was "How are you adjusting?" She says,"... the key to getting through the initial three weeks is to have low expectations." What she means by this is that we shouldn't expect it to be picture perfect: "You're lucky if you have time to shower," she says. Of course she has three children and a highly demanding career, so with one newborn and no work to demand my time, I should be able to shower daily. I have the concerns of a first time mom.
It's overwhelming for me to think about how I am going to do everything. I am overwhelmed! I know I don't have three children and work for Fox News, but I also don't have a full-time caregiver or 1/4 the salary of a Fox News Correspondant. I could tell you that reading her story helped and made me feel like I can do it, but it didn't. I'm nervous. My dreams are coming true, but it's scaring me to death. I wish I knew everything was going to be okay. Actually, I wish life would stop throwing us lemons and sour tomatoes. We want the best for Ethan, and I want to protect him in this messed up world we live in. I wonder "How am I going to do that while I'm at work." We need to have a stable home life with bills paid, food on the table, and things we are proud of.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tricks to Induce Labor
There are several tricks out there for pregnant women who want to hurry their baby's birth along. The most popular things I have heard are walking and sex. Several websites and people will tell you "What got you into this situation will get you out." Other exercises like doing squats, bouncing on a pilates ball, taking stairs two at a time, and swimming are considered great ways to bring along contractions and labor. Some things I have learned recently are nipple stimulation, lemon drop cupcakes, pineapples or pineapple juice, and castor oil.
These may sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure some of it works. If you have ever been pregnant, you would understand why I would want to try them all! I'll give you some things I have read about what is listed above.
Exercises like walking, taking stairs two at a time, squats, bouncing on the ball, etc. are all good ways to work out your lower half and open the cervix. None of these will cause you to go into labor unless you are ready, and the baby is considered premature until 37 weeks. The best advice to take is to be patient and be healthy.
I found the following video today. It's about the lemon drop cupcake that will induce labor. I also read about pineapples and pineapple juice. I went straight to Wal-Mart and bought a dozen mini lemon drop cupcakes, pineapples, and pineapple juice. I have not tried the castor oil. This one makes me a little nervous. When I first heard about it, I thought castor oil was something for cars. It is actually vegetable oil, coming from the castor bean. I'll have to say, I ate two mini cupcakes and a glass of pineapple juice on the way home from Wal-Mart, and I did feel my stomach tighten and had to walk up the stairs more slowly than I usually do. It made me feel a little different. Kris said, eat more.. go drink all the pineapple juice and see what happens. I didn't! I did eat some pineapple and drink another glass of juice.
These may sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure some of it works. If you have ever been pregnant, you would understand why I would want to try them all! I'll give you some things I have read about what is listed above.
Exercises like walking, taking stairs two at a time, squats, bouncing on the ball, etc. are all good ways to work out your lower half and open the cervix. None of these will cause you to go into labor unless you are ready, and the baby is considered premature until 37 weeks. The best advice to take is to be patient and be healthy.
I found the following video today. It's about the lemon drop cupcake that will induce labor. I also read about pineapples and pineapple juice. I went straight to Wal-Mart and bought a dozen mini lemon drop cupcakes, pineapples, and pineapple juice. I have not tried the castor oil. This one makes me a little nervous. When I first heard about it, I thought castor oil was something for cars. It is actually vegetable oil, coming from the castor bean. I'll have to say, I ate two mini cupcakes and a glass of pineapple juice on the way home from Wal-Mart, and I did feel my stomach tighten and had to walk up the stairs more slowly than I usually do. It made me feel a little different. Kris said, eat more.. go drink all the pineapple juice and see what happens. I didn't! I did eat some pineapple and drink another glass of juice.
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