I had another OB apt. this morning. I met Dr. Ross. I am still measuring about a week ahead, which doesn't mean he will be early. It may just mean he will be born at about 8 1/2 pounds, about a pound bigger than average. I asked him if there was anything I can do.. and there isn't much. He said typically women who exercise during pregnancy have smaller babies.. so I'm going to try to kick up the walking in the last 7 weeks. My appetite has been so weird. Some days I can't decide if I'm hungry, or what to eat. Today I was hungry every 3 hrs. I was so tired too. We moved into our new apartment Saturday. I didn't carry anything, of course, but my mom and I worked on unpacking boxes and putting things in the kitchen and organizing things in the bathroom, etc. It wore me out. Saturday night I didn't get much sleep because our bed was not completely set up, and it was uncomfortable for me to sleep on the mattress on the floor. Today I took a 3 hr. long nap after my class at UAB. My body was so sore and achy earlier, but it feels better now that I've had a chance to relax.
My husband, Kris put together baby Ethan's crib and changing table. We have decided to paint the bedroom baby blue and baby orange. I can't wait until we are finished with it. It will be a lot of work because we have so much to do after the move.
I have had a little more swelling, but nothing major. I have gained 38 pounds during pregnancy. That is about 10 pounds more than I think I should. My husband does not seem to mind. He keeps telling me, "You're pregnant!" and tells the Dr.'s and other people, "She's really healthy. She eats really healthy and walks." He is so good to me. He knows I will bounce right back to normal size this Summer. He thinks I look sexy pregnant! I love him!
It is amazing how much we could see in the 4D ultrasound pictures at 28 weeks. Ethan looked just like his daddy. Kris asked me, "When you see other pregnant women, do you feel connected to them now?" I told him yes, because we have something in common. He said he does too. He says he always tells people that his wife is pregnant. I am so glad to have a husband who is proud of me and the things we have going on. He told several people today about our move into our 2 bedroom apartment, and he always says he likes to "Show me off." He is so perfect.
My main complaint at 32 weeks is being uncomfortable just sitting, and not being able to move around the same way. Also, waking up in the middle of the night because my leg is cramping, or my back is hurting, or I'm thirsty, or have to use the bathroom.. all of these are really annoying. My husband asked me if I was okay one morning, because I'd been awake moaning and groaning because my body ached.
The best thing about 32 weeks is getting everything ready for Ethan's birth. We have taken the Childbirth Preparation, Infant CPR, and Breastfeeding classes. My baby shower is in two weeks. We are working on the nursery now, learning how to do the carseat, and talking with a Pediatrician. Everyday there is something to do having to do with our baby. I really enjoy getting on Facebook also to see all my friends that are pregnant, or were pregnant, but just had their babies. We share our experiences and get helpful advice. Craigslist has also been fun for us. I like searching to see what baby items people are posting. Pregnancy is so much fun and exciting, but it is so much better because I have such a loving and caring husband who I am able to share this amazing experience with. We enjoy spending time with each other, and we are going to be such great parents.
Ethan Lane Griffin- born April 29, 2011
Ethan Lane Griffin- born April 29, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
February 19, 2011
Well it just started. Swelling, and in places I didn't really expect. At the OB last week, the doctor we met (we are meeting all the doctors now before labor and delivery) told me that there was a little swelling. He said it would get worse, and the best way to prevent it is to drink water and avoid sodium of course. Well, I didn't really notice the swelling until I went for a walk, and my wedding ring suddenly got tight and wouldn't come off. Today my husband Kris and I took a friend to dinner. We ate pizza. Rachel and I split a veggie pizza. Then we walked around the mall for a while. When we got home, I was talking to another friend about breastfeeding, and suddenly noticed more swelling in some areas I didn't know could swell. This is just the beginning.
My mom gained 70 pounds with my older brother, her first pregnancy. She experienced a lot of swelling. My dad told me it was so bad that they gave her medicine, and after taking it she dropped 20 pounds. I hope I can keep the swelling down without medicine.
We had the childbirth preparation class today! The nurse said to wait until contractions are 5 minutes apart, for 1 minute, and for an hour. So that means I'll be home and going through labor for at least a few hours before going to the hospital. Maybe even half a day.
I bought two garage bags full of clothes for Ethan, from birth to 12 months, from a friend of my cousin. She only charged me $90, and also gave me a car seat and a bouncy seat. The clothes are so cute, and it's not nearly everything we are going to buy for him to wear.
We had fun today! The Childbirth Preparation class was from 9am to 4pm. We have Infant CPR class on Monday night, and Breastfeeding class on Thursday night. I will tell you more about these classes in my next blog, so get excited!
I want to thank some people. I feel very loved and supported, and that means so much to me. Thank you to my husband Kris and Rachel for the fun today. Thank you Laura for all the labor and breastfeeding advice, etc. Thank you Mom and Dad for all of your help and support; we are so blessed. Thank you Sheila Aaron, and Kris's family for your prayers and for being so excited about Ethan. Thanks Mrs. O for your Facebook messages, comments, and prayers. I miss yall so much!
My mom gained 70 pounds with my older brother, her first pregnancy. She experienced a lot of swelling. My dad told me it was so bad that they gave her medicine, and after taking it she dropped 20 pounds. I hope I can keep the swelling down without medicine.
We had the childbirth preparation class today! The nurse said to wait until contractions are 5 minutes apart, for 1 minute, and for an hour. So that means I'll be home and going through labor for at least a few hours before going to the hospital. Maybe even half a day.
I bought two garage bags full of clothes for Ethan, from birth to 12 months, from a friend of my cousin. She only charged me $90, and also gave me a car seat and a bouncy seat. The clothes are so cute, and it's not nearly everything we are going to buy for him to wear.
We had fun today! The Childbirth Preparation class was from 9am to 4pm. We have Infant CPR class on Monday night, and Breastfeeding class on Thursday night. I will tell you more about these classes in my next blog, so get excited!
I want to thank some people. I feel very loved and supported, and that means so much to me. Thank you to my husband Kris and Rachel for the fun today. Thank you Laura for all the labor and breastfeeding advice, etc. Thank you Mom and Dad for all of your help and support; we are so blessed. Thank you Sheila Aaron, and Kris's family for your prayers and for being so excited about Ethan. Thanks Mrs. O for your Facebook messages, comments, and prayers. I miss yall so much!
Monday, February 14, 2011
30 Weeks Pregnant
Today is Valentines' Day! A friend of mine posted on facebook this morning that a friend of hers gave birth to twin boys today. What a great day to have babies.
I have been so sore at night. It's been hard to sleep without Unisom Pain, and I always wake up in the middle of the night. One night I felt what I thought was Braxton Hicks contractions. It feels like a tightening in your uterus. It didn't hurt really, but I started getting a back ache. I've been walking to get exercise, but I'll admit I haven't had enough exercise during the pregnancy. I should have been walking everyday, but I haven't.
I love feeling Ethan kick and move around. Last night we were lying down watching tv, and my husband could feel him kick. He has felt and seen Ethan kick a lot, but I wish he could feel it more. We talk to Ethan sometimes. I sing in the car to him. I should read to him from some of the books I've bought.
The following is from baby center.com for 30 weeks pregnant:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.
What baby Ethan looks like at 30 weeks.--> http://www.babycenter.com/fetal-development-images-30-weeks
I have a visit with the OB today. This month I start going every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. I can't wait to find out how he's measuring, to see if he is still a week and a half larger.
Right now I am mostly concerned about the help I'm going to get when the baby is born. It seems to me like I'm the only one who thinks about this ALL THE TIME! I'm constantly worried about who will be able to watch him when I have to go back to school and work, and what income we are going to be bringing in as a family. I'm afraid I'm the only one thinking about how to decorate his nursery, and breastfeeding, and pumping, and changing diapers. I want everything to be perfect, and I feel like if I don't do everything myself, it wont get done. Maybe this is a mother's instinct, but I'm not enjoying feeling this way.
I want Ethan to have everything he needs, and more. I want him to play sports, and make the honor roll, and have good friends, and attend church. I just worry that he will make mistakes and I'm going to hate that.
I have been so sore at night. It's been hard to sleep without Unisom Pain, and I always wake up in the middle of the night. One night I felt what I thought was Braxton Hicks contractions. It feels like a tightening in your uterus. It didn't hurt really, but I started getting a back ache. I've been walking to get exercise, but I'll admit I haven't had enough exercise during the pregnancy. I should have been walking everyday, but I haven't.
I love feeling Ethan kick and move around. Last night we were lying down watching tv, and my husband could feel him kick. He has felt and seen Ethan kick a lot, but I wish he could feel it more. We talk to Ethan sometimes. I sing in the car to him. I should read to him from some of the books I've bought.
The following is from baby center.com for 30 weeks pregnant:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.
What baby Ethan looks like at 30 weeks.--> http://www.babycenter.com/fetal-development-images-30-weeks
I have a visit with the OB today. This month I start going every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. I can't wait to find out how he's measuring, to see if he is still a week and a half larger.
Right now I am mostly concerned about the help I'm going to get when the baby is born. It seems to me like I'm the only one who thinks about this ALL THE TIME! I'm constantly worried about who will be able to watch him when I have to go back to school and work, and what income we are going to be bringing in as a family. I'm afraid I'm the only one thinking about how to decorate his nursery, and breastfeeding, and pumping, and changing diapers. I want everything to be perfect, and I feel like if I don't do everything myself, it wont get done. Maybe this is a mother's instinct, but I'm not enjoying feeling this way.
I want Ethan to have everything he needs, and more. I want him to play sports, and make the honor roll, and have good friends, and attend church. I just worry that he will make mistakes and I'm going to hate that.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Expectant Dads
I was trying to think of what to say about how great my husband is, but it's hard to put it in words. He has been my best friend, my support, and I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful man to share my life with. He works on computers for a living, and in the last month, he has started doing it from home as well. He loves it, but I know he is doing it for us more than for himself. When a man's wife is pregnant, he is pregnant too. Kris feels it when I am moody. He knows when I am tired. He understands that sometimes I feel absent-minded. Last night in Wal-Mart, he said, "Are you ok?" I replied, "Oh ya," in a losing my breathe sort of way. He understood. I was absent-minded, thinking about other things, and I couldn't help it. Ethan will be here in less than three months, and there is so much to think about. We haven't learned how to do the carseat. We haven't bought any diapers. He's going to be sick, and need lots of attention. I am thinking about him all the time. Maternal instincts are in high gear, and so are paternal. Fathers worry about things mothers don't. Kris is thinking about where his career will take him. He's posting on Craig's List, posting fliers for computer repair, and fixing things around the house. He carries things for me, and he is so emotionally stable when I am not! If I'm angry, he maintains his cool. I've gained pregnancy weight of course, but also in my lower half, and he thinks it's sexy. He loves me. He tells me I'm beautiful when I have on no makeup, sweat pants, a t-shirt, my hair in a pony-tail, a pregnant belly and bigger hips and thighs. I got my nails done last night for the first time since September, and he sat there with me. I thought his mind was occupied, and it was. When we got to the car I realized he was thinking about the fumes and if it was bad for me and the baby during pregnancy. He is caring! He said, "I was a little worried that the fumes were bad for the baby." He mentioned that the nail people were wearing masks, and I didn't even notice. There's more to his greatness, and I'll fill you in on it later. Pray for us. His granddad passed away and we are going to the funeral today. I love you Kris.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Ethan Lane Griffin
This is my first blog about my pregnancy. I can't explain how excited we are to be having a baby. My husband just told me, I feel like I'm already talking to Ethan. In a way, he is. The baby can hear me talk, my heartbeat, my blood flowing and body making noises, and he can hear loud sounds outside of the womb. Kris talks to him sometimes. Kris is my husband. He is playing with a toy we bought for Ethan. It's so funny. It's a bank that counts money for him and tells you, "You did a great job," and "A penny saved is a penny earned." We are moving at the end of this month. I want everything to be ready for his arrival in April. The OBGYN told us that he is measuring 30 weeks at my 28 1/2 week visit. This probably means he will be a big newborn, hopefully not to big for a vaginal birth, but big enough to be healthy. My mom had three C-sections, and I really hope this is not the case for me. It may mean that he will be a little early, which is what I am praying for. My finals at UAB will be right around the 28th and 29th of April, and he is due April 22nd. If I go into labor two weeks early, I'll have more time for recovery.
I love when Ethan kicks. He has gotten so strong, and his kicks and twists are more frequent. It eases my mind when I feel him. I'm constantly worried that something might be wrong with him. Every visit to the OBGYN is great. I am healthy, my blood pressure has been very normal, his heartbeat is strong, blood work is great, and he is measuring accurately. A baby's heartbeat starts out very fast, at about 180, and as he grows it gets slower. At 7 months pregnant, Ethan's heartbeat is about 130 something.
Stay tuned! I will have so much more to tell you about my pregnancy. This is such an exciting time.
I love when Ethan kicks. He has gotten so strong, and his kicks and twists are more frequent. It eases my mind when I feel him. I'm constantly worried that something might be wrong with him. Every visit to the OBGYN is great. I am healthy, my blood pressure has been very normal, his heartbeat is strong, blood work is great, and he is measuring accurately. A baby's heartbeat starts out very fast, at about 180, and as he grows it gets slower. At 7 months pregnant, Ethan's heartbeat is about 130 something.
Stay tuned! I will have so much more to tell you about my pregnancy. This is such an exciting time.
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