Today is Valentines' Day! A friend of mine posted on facebook this morning that a friend of hers gave birth to twin boys today. What a great day to have babies.
I have been so sore at night. It's been hard to sleep without Unisom Pain, and I always wake up in the middle of the night. One night I felt what I thought was Braxton Hicks contractions. It feels like a tightening in your uterus. It didn't hurt really, but I started getting a back ache. I've been walking to get exercise, but I'll admit I haven't had enough exercise during the pregnancy. I should have been walking everyday, but I haven't.
I love feeling Ethan kick and move around. Last night we were lying down watching tv, and my husband could feel him kick. He has felt and seen Ethan kick a lot, but I wish he could feel it more. We talk to Ethan sometimes. I sing in the car to him. I should read to him from some of the books I've bought.
The following is from baby for 30 weeks pregnant:
Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.
What baby Ethan looks like at 30 weeks.-->
I have a visit with the OB today. This month I start going every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. I can't wait to find out how he's measuring, to see if he is still a week and a half larger.
Right now I am mostly concerned about the help I'm going to get when the baby is born. It seems to me like I'm the only one who thinks about this ALL THE TIME! I'm constantly worried about who will be able to watch him when I have to go back to school and work, and what income we are going to be bringing in as a family. I'm afraid I'm the only one thinking about how to decorate his nursery, and breastfeeding, and pumping, and changing diapers. I want everything to be perfect, and I feel like if I don't do everything myself, it wont get done. Maybe this is a mother's instinct, but I'm not enjoying feeling this way.
I want Ethan to have everything he needs, and more. I want him to play sports, and make the honor roll, and have good friends, and attend church. I just worry that he will make mistakes and I'm going to hate that.
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