You're finally here! Ethan, you will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. I should have written this blog weeks ago. I was just feeding you and saw a commercial about a Dad who writes to his daughter on the Web and it made me cry. We love you so much Ethan.
Well, Dr. Campbell scheduled to have Kris and I go to Brookwood Medical Center and spend the night on Thursday, April 28th, and on Friday, April 29th the nurses started inducing labor. We were so excited on Thursday. We were taken to our hospital room, and met a few of the nurses. Kris will remember their names, but I was saving my thoughts and energy for labor. We went to sleep around 11pm, and at about 5am the nurse came in. They started the Petocin. She increased it until my contractions were so strong and close together that i was literally screaming with pain. Yes, it hurt! Kris, my mom, and the nurse were in the room and they tried to help the pain by telling me to breathe, and putting pressure on my back, but I thought I was dying. It was horrible. I dilated to 1.5 cm and they gave me the epideral. They want to wait until 4 cm dilated, but I think I would have passed out before then.
After that, I could not feel my legs or pelvis. Kris and my mom moved my legs for me to help me get comfortable. It was weird. My legs felt so heavy. From then on, I didn't even know when I was having a contraction. A few times I asked the nurse, "Was that a contraction?"
Dr. Campbell decided when I had only dilated to 6 cm, and Ethan couldn't get his head down far enough, that I needed to have a C-section. I was fine with that, but it did make me cry. I was scared. I felt like I'd done something wrong and I was afraid I could die in surgery. I know that is absurd. It obviously was not my fault. My mom had 3 C-sections. It is also about a 1 in a trillion chance that I would die, but I really thought, ok.. this is it for me, and I prayed.
This was my first surgery. I am lucky. There was a lot of tugging and pulling, which was weird. When they were getting Ethan out, the doctors said "here he is", "it's a boy", and "he's peeing." That was funny. I was so happy and relieved. Kris cried. I just laughed and couldn't believe what was happening. I love taking myself back to that moment. It was truly amazing.
Ethan weighed 7 lbs 15 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. They brought him to me after cleaning him off and weighing him. Kris was able to see him, and he looked at the surgery. He is perfect. I didn't sleep at all that night, and not much at all during the rest of our stay at the hospital. We came home Monday afternoon. I was exhausted the whole time. I was also in pain. It was hard to move when the medicine was wearing off. I breastfed in the hospital. Ethan was treated for juandis for a day. Ethan looked so tiny under the light. We talked to the lactation consultant and the pediatrician. I'm glad we are home. I will never forget that whole weekend experience!
Ethan Lane Griffin- born April 29, 2011
Ethan Lane Griffin- born April 29, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Ready for a Fun Summer!
God's timing is so perfect. I have only one week left of pregnancy, if he waits; and one week left of Spring classes. Kris and I have been talking about some of the things we are going to do this summer. I have a Bjorn baby carrier, so spending time walking at Oak Mountain State Park and being outdoors will be easier for me. I have goals to lose all the baby weight and then some before our wedding anniversary on September 17th. Kris knows that I'll want to go for runs during the week when he comes home from work. I love being outside in the Summer, and I'm looking forward to keeping busy with the baby.
The baby doesn't seem very comfortable today. I think he just got too hungry. I ate lunch, but in two hours I had to eat again. I felt him kicking and felt a little nauseous. I feel really sick right now because of something that happened recently causing us to lose $680. I'm in the worst mood because of it. I'm not really happy with people playing games with my money. I hope they get worse in return.
Well, I have avoided reading about Postpartum Depression because I think I have ways to prevent it from happening to me. I have heard several stories of women who have gone through a minor to severe case of this. I'm feeling so depressed and ill today that I thought I might read a little bit about it. This of course is depression women experience after giving birth. It usually occurs soon after delivery, and may last several years. It is brought on by several factors: mood changes during pregnancy, lack of sleep, less freedom and time for yourself, changing in your body, and changes in your relationships. I have experienced all of the above. The following website gives more information about postpartum depression.
Certain circumstances are making me feel down lately. All of these are things I am unable to control, which makes it harder. I have a friend who blogs about her postpartum depression. I have family and friends who will be there for me should I go through even a slight case of this. Let's just hope life is happy this Summer. I will probably blog about it all!
The baby doesn't seem very comfortable today. I think he just got too hungry. I ate lunch, but in two hours I had to eat again. I felt him kicking and felt a little nauseous. I feel really sick right now because of something that happened recently causing us to lose $680. I'm in the worst mood because of it. I'm not really happy with people playing games with my money. I hope they get worse in return.
Well, I have avoided reading about Postpartum Depression because I think I have ways to prevent it from happening to me. I have heard several stories of women who have gone through a minor to severe case of this. I'm feeling so depressed and ill today that I thought I might read a little bit about it. This of course is depression women experience after giving birth. It usually occurs soon after delivery, and may last several years. It is brought on by several factors: mood changes during pregnancy, lack of sleep, less freedom and time for yourself, changing in your body, and changes in your relationships. I have experienced all of the above. The following website gives more information about postpartum depression.
Certain circumstances are making me feel down lately. All of these are things I am unable to control, which makes it harder. I have a friend who blogs about her postpartum depression. I have family and friends who will be there for me should I go through even a slight case of this. Let's just hope life is happy this Summer. I will probably blog about it all!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
39 1/2 Weeks Pregnant
We went to the OB appointment today. Kris went with me. We were really excited to find out if there were any changes. Dr. Campbell measured me. He is going to be a big baby; over 8 lbs. I have gained a whopping 55 pounds. Yikes! Everyone says I look great though. I feel great too, but sometimes I'm just really ready to not be pregnant anymore. There is no dilation, only thinning to my cervix. If Ethan is not born between now and next Thursday, we will go in Thursday at 4:30. They will place something behind my cervix to make it dilate, and the next morning they will start the process to induce me into labor. If that happens, he will be born on Friday, April 29, 2011. They do not let you go over a week past your due date to prevent any complications. When Kris and I were born, it was a little bit different. They didn't schedule inductions like they do now. It'll also help prevent a C-section. Now that I feel so incredibly big, I'm more afraid that I will have to have a C-section. It wouldn't be that bad, but the recovery process is more slow, and I will have a scar.
This is probably really weird, but I'm excited about being in the hospital for two nights. I'll get lots of attention, and I get to just lay around in my PJ's with my husband and new baby. I can be lazy, watch TV, read magazines, visit with family and friends, and have a new baby. What's better than that? Kris has a lot of family who will visit us. We really are blessed. My husband is a family man, and I like that. We have a lot of friends who said they are coming to visit too.
If I do get induced, then I will only have one final left on May 4th. I really don't want to leave the baby, so my plan is to have my mom or someone come with me downtown. While I'm taking the final they can stay with Ethan in the car and maybe take him outside for an hour, then I'll be back in the car again before he gets too hungry and starts crying. Newborns have to eat every 2-3 hours. Wow! I am so ready.
If I go into labor between now and next Thursday, I will probably miss two tests. I don't want to miss two tests, so I really hope he just stays in until the 29th.
This is probably really weird, but I'm excited about being in the hospital for two nights. I'll get lots of attention, and I get to just lay around in my PJ's with my husband and new baby. I can be lazy, watch TV, read magazines, visit with family and friends, and have a new baby. What's better than that? Kris has a lot of family who will visit us. We really are blessed. My husband is a family man, and I like that. We have a lot of friends who said they are coming to visit too.
If I do get induced, then I will only have one final left on May 4th. I really don't want to leave the baby, so my plan is to have my mom or someone come with me downtown. While I'm taking the final they can stay with Ethan in the car and maybe take him outside for an hour, then I'll be back in the car again before he gets too hungry and starts crying. Newborns have to eat every 2-3 hours. Wow! I am so ready.
If I go into labor between now and next Thursday, I will probably miss two tests. I don't want to miss two tests, so I really hope he just stays in until the 29th.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Hospital Checklist for Labor
Well, we have already packed our bags for the hospital, but sadly I haven't really looked at the checklist and really taken the time to put everything together that we will need. I really have had my mind on other things. I have the diaper bag packed. We have packed comfortable clothes and a few other things. I googled hospital checklists for labor, but really haven't relied on them except for a few things I may not have thought of.
This is my personal checklist:
1. Nightgowns that can be ruined.
2. Panties that can be ruined.
3. Heavy flow pads
4. Nursing bras
5. Robe
6. Slippers
7. Thick socks
8. Camera
9. Coming home clothes- maternity size
10. Nursing pads
11. Extra batteries
12. Extra memory card for camera
13. Coming home clothes for baby
14. No scratch mittens
15. Booties
16. Essentials for the diaper bag
17. Baby book
18. Magazine to read
19. 3 pairs of comfy clothes for Kris
20. Snacks
21. Change for the vending machines
22. Shampoo and Conditioner
23. Face wash
24. Body lotion & oil
25. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
26. Mouthwash
27. Towel for shower
28. 2 Baby blankets
29. Carseat
30. Hospital paperwork
31. Laptop
These are not all packed! I don't want to feel rushed, but if I pack everything, I wont have it out to use for the days until then. I'll probably get more of these things together tonight and make sure we are not searching for something at the last minute.
This is my personal checklist:
1. Nightgowns that can be ruined.
2. Panties that can be ruined.
3. Heavy flow pads
4. Nursing bras
5. Robe
6. Slippers
7. Thick socks
8. Camera
9. Coming home clothes- maternity size
10. Nursing pads
11. Extra batteries
12. Extra memory card for camera
13. Coming home clothes for baby
14. No scratch mittens
15. Booties
16. Essentials for the diaper bag
17. Baby book
18. Magazine to read
19. 3 pairs of comfy clothes for Kris
20. Snacks
21. Change for the vending machines
22. Shampoo and Conditioner
23. Face wash
24. Body lotion & oil
25. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
26. Mouthwash
27. Towel for shower
28. 2 Baby blankets
29. Carseat
30. Hospital paperwork
31. Laptop
These are not all packed! I don't want to feel rushed, but if I pack everything, I wont have it out to use for the days until then. I'll probably get more of these things together tonight and make sure we are not searching for something at the last minute.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
6 More Days
With 6 days until Ethan's due date, we are a little more than ready for his arrival. I have been doing all the tricks and do feel some contractions, but it is nothing constant and not like real labor. Aww, I hear a baby crying. :) I cannot wait to hear our baby let out that first cry. It will be such a relief. That is how everyone explains giving birth and hearing their baby cry. I have been really emotional for the past few days. I haven't felt him move a lot lately either. It worries me, but I have read that is normal towards the end because he hardly has much room in there. A few stretch marks popped up this week. Ick! They are not bad. You can barely see them, and I know they'll fade even more. I had none until week 38. The marks of motherhood are worth it.
We drove to the hospital last night and got pre-admitted. This is something we do to make it easier when we go in during the real labor. I'm a little concerned about having to leave a newborn to take finals. I will have to have some pumped breast milk for my mom or whoever is keeping him to feed him while I'm gone for 3 or 4 hours. I'm a little worried about having a C-section too. Ethan is going to be over 8 lbs. I wouldn't mind having him born on Easter, but this week will be much better. They will schedule an induction if we make it to the appointment on the 19th and there is still no dilation.
Well, I'm a little jealous now. A Facebook friend of mine is in labor and she is due 3 days after me. I told Kris we needed to stop by the store and get pineapple juice, ride on a bumpy road, and go on a walk. This week has to be the week! I really wanna hurry this along, so I think I'll do some walking and housecleaning tonight. I will need to study Accounting, but that takes sitting, and I should just be on the move. :)
Our baby is not finished growing, of course, but his growth has slowed down tremendously in the last couple weeks. His head will be soft when he is born to fit more easily through the birth canal. Most newborns have a cone shaped head after being delivered vaginally. It looks weird, but will eventually go back to normal shape. They also aren't the cutest when they are first born. It takes a little while for some newborns to look cute.
Another thing I didn't know before pregnancy is that prenatal vitamins should be taken while nursing after the baby is born. We have gotten free samples from the OB at every visit, but I will have to buy some for nursing during the next year. Well, hopefully my next blog will be about labor and delivery!
We drove to the hospital last night and got pre-admitted. This is something we do to make it easier when we go in during the real labor. I'm a little concerned about having to leave a newborn to take finals. I will have to have some pumped breast milk for my mom or whoever is keeping him to feed him while I'm gone for 3 or 4 hours. I'm a little worried about having a C-section too. Ethan is going to be over 8 lbs. I wouldn't mind having him born on Easter, but this week will be much better. They will schedule an induction if we make it to the appointment on the 19th and there is still no dilation.
Well, I'm a little jealous now. A Facebook friend of mine is in labor and she is due 3 days after me. I told Kris we needed to stop by the store and get pineapple juice, ride on a bumpy road, and go on a walk. This week has to be the week! I really wanna hurry this along, so I think I'll do some walking and housecleaning tonight. I will need to study Accounting, but that takes sitting, and I should just be on the move. :)
Our baby is not finished growing, of course, but his growth has slowed down tremendously in the last couple weeks. His head will be soft when he is born to fit more easily through the birth canal. Most newborns have a cone shaped head after being delivered vaginally. It looks weird, but will eventually go back to normal shape. They also aren't the cutest when they are first born. It takes a little while for some newborns to look cute.
Another thing I didn't know before pregnancy is that prenatal vitamins should be taken while nursing after the baby is born. We have gotten free samples from the OB at every visit, but I will have to buy some for nursing during the next year. Well, hopefully my next blog will be about labor and delivery!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Working Mom
With a handful of classes left at UAB, and a baby due just next Friday, I have been seriously asking myself how I'm going to handle finishing my classes, a new baby, and then a career. Of course, by the time I begin my career, Ethan will be nearly two years old, but we plan to have three children, so I may be pregnant again. Life can be hard. There are always unexpected things that come up. Dealing with the emotions of being a wife, a mom, and a career woman are not going to be easy, and by age 27, I have learned that life does not go as I plan it. There is no sense in me planning the next five years of my life on paper. The best I can hope for is to achieve most of my goals and keep most of my sanity.
I found an interview of Fox News Correspondant, Jennifer Griffin, who just so happens to have my last name, and my career path. She also recently gave birth to her third child.
The interview is about juggling her career and her family. One of the questions was "How are you adjusting?" She says,"... the key to getting through the initial three weeks is to have low expectations." What she means by this is that we shouldn't expect it to be picture perfect: "You're lucky if you have time to shower," she says. Of course she has three children and a highly demanding career, so with one newborn and no work to demand my time, I should be able to shower daily. I have the concerns of a first time mom.
It's overwhelming for me to think about how I am going to do everything. I am overwhelmed! I know I don't have three children and work for Fox News, but I also don't have a full-time caregiver or 1/4 the salary of a Fox News Correspondant. I could tell you that reading her story helped and made me feel like I can do it, but it didn't. I'm nervous. My dreams are coming true, but it's scaring me to death. I wish I knew everything was going to be okay. Actually, I wish life would stop throwing us lemons and sour tomatoes. We want the best for Ethan, and I want to protect him in this messed up world we live in. I wonder "How am I going to do that while I'm at work." We need to have a stable home life with bills paid, food on the table, and things we are proud of.
I found an interview of Fox News Correspondant, Jennifer Griffin, who just so happens to have my last name, and my career path. She also recently gave birth to her third child.
The interview is about juggling her career and her family. One of the questions was "How are you adjusting?" She says,"... the key to getting through the initial three weeks is to have low expectations." What she means by this is that we shouldn't expect it to be picture perfect: "You're lucky if you have time to shower," she says. Of course she has three children and a highly demanding career, so with one newborn and no work to demand my time, I should be able to shower daily. I have the concerns of a first time mom.
It's overwhelming for me to think about how I am going to do everything. I am overwhelmed! I know I don't have three children and work for Fox News, but I also don't have a full-time caregiver or 1/4 the salary of a Fox News Correspondant. I could tell you that reading her story helped and made me feel like I can do it, but it didn't. I'm nervous. My dreams are coming true, but it's scaring me to death. I wish I knew everything was going to be okay. Actually, I wish life would stop throwing us lemons and sour tomatoes. We want the best for Ethan, and I want to protect him in this messed up world we live in. I wonder "How am I going to do that while I'm at work." We need to have a stable home life with bills paid, food on the table, and things we are proud of.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tricks to Induce Labor
There are several tricks out there for pregnant women who want to hurry their baby's birth along. The most popular things I have heard are walking and sex. Several websites and people will tell you "What got you into this situation will get you out." Other exercises like doing squats, bouncing on a pilates ball, taking stairs two at a time, and swimming are considered great ways to bring along contractions and labor. Some things I have learned recently are nipple stimulation, lemon drop cupcakes, pineapples or pineapple juice, and castor oil.
These may sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure some of it works. If you have ever been pregnant, you would understand why I would want to try them all! I'll give you some things I have read about what is listed above.
Exercises like walking, taking stairs two at a time, squats, bouncing on the ball, etc. are all good ways to work out your lower half and open the cervix. None of these will cause you to go into labor unless you are ready, and the baby is considered premature until 37 weeks. The best advice to take is to be patient and be healthy.
I found the following video today. It's about the lemon drop cupcake that will induce labor. I also read about pineapples and pineapple juice. I went straight to Wal-Mart and bought a dozen mini lemon drop cupcakes, pineapples, and pineapple juice. I have not tried the castor oil. This one makes me a little nervous. When I first heard about it, I thought castor oil was something for cars. It is actually vegetable oil, coming from the castor bean. I'll have to say, I ate two mini cupcakes and a glass of pineapple juice on the way home from Wal-Mart, and I did feel my stomach tighten and had to walk up the stairs more slowly than I usually do. It made me feel a little different. Kris said, eat more.. go drink all the pineapple juice and see what happens. I didn't! I did eat some pineapple and drink another glass of juice.
These may sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure some of it works. If you have ever been pregnant, you would understand why I would want to try them all! I'll give you some things I have read about what is listed above.
Exercises like walking, taking stairs two at a time, squats, bouncing on the ball, etc. are all good ways to work out your lower half and open the cervix. None of these will cause you to go into labor unless you are ready, and the baby is considered premature until 37 weeks. The best advice to take is to be patient and be healthy.
I found the following video today. It's about the lemon drop cupcake that will induce labor. I also read about pineapples and pineapple juice. I went straight to Wal-Mart and bought a dozen mini lemon drop cupcakes, pineapples, and pineapple juice. I have not tried the castor oil. This one makes me a little nervous. When I first heard about it, I thought castor oil was something for cars. It is actually vegetable oil, coming from the castor bean. I'll have to say, I ate two mini cupcakes and a glass of pineapple juice on the way home from Wal-Mart, and I did feel my stomach tighten and had to walk up the stairs more slowly than I usually do. It made me feel a little different. Kris said, eat more.. go drink all the pineapple juice and see what happens. I didn't! I did eat some pineapple and drink another glass of juice.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
38 Weeks Pregnant with Ethan
I had an OB visit today. I am going to be 38 weeks pregnant on Friday. There are still no changes. I am not dilated. There is some thinning of the lining of my uterus, which means that it is getting closer. I will probably go full term, if not longer. They won't let me go a week past the due date.. so in that case they will induce me. I hope he just comes before the due date, or they schedule to induce me on April 29th, which is exactly a week later. I have two finals on the 28th, so that means I'll get them over with, and then take the last final on May 4th. I can do that! The only problem is that Ethan is going to weight 8 pounds or more. If he waits too long, it'll be hard to deliver without a C-section. They do everything they can now to prevent a C-section. Things have changed a lot since the 80's. My husband was born 3 weeks late.
I'm trying not to count down the days. I think that will make it seem longer. I'm so glad Ethan is going to be a healthy baby! I have had a great pregnancy, and we really have been blessed. We have a great place to live, filled with too much stuff. I have a loving husband who I love spending time with. Our families are close so we don't have to travel too far to visit with them. Our baby will be so happy and cute.
I haven't recieved any emails for 38 weeks yet. I did get one about Labor and Delivery. It was informative, but I don't really remember what I read. I have read so much during the pregnancy, so I think I'm ready. I told the OB today that I was nervous and scared about the labor pains. My biggest fear is not being able to get him out.
I have gained 45 pounds. That isn't too bad, considering people have told me they gained 77, 90 pounds. One girl said she was 250 pounds when she had her son. She is thin now. I don't know how it's possible to gain over 100 pounds in 9 months.
I have posted so many pictures on facebook of the things we have for baby Ethan. I posted all of his ultrasound pictures at 28 weeks pregnant. My friends are so sweet with the comments saying I look cute pregnant, and they can't wait until Ethan is born.
I'm trying not to count down the days. I think that will make it seem longer. I'm so glad Ethan is going to be a healthy baby! I have had a great pregnancy, and we really have been blessed. We have a great place to live, filled with too much stuff. I have a loving husband who I love spending time with. Our families are close so we don't have to travel too far to visit with them. Our baby will be so happy and cute.
I haven't recieved any emails for 38 weeks yet. I did get one about Labor and Delivery. It was informative, but I don't really remember what I read. I have read so much during the pregnancy, so I think I'm ready. I told the OB today that I was nervous and scared about the labor pains. My biggest fear is not being able to get him out.
I have gained 45 pounds. That isn't too bad, considering people have told me they gained 77, 90 pounds. One girl said she was 250 pounds when she had her son. She is thin now. I don't know how it's possible to gain over 100 pounds in 9 months.
I have posted so many pictures on facebook of the things we have for baby Ethan. I posted all of his ultrasound pictures at 28 weeks pregnant. My friends are so sweet with the comments saying I look cute pregnant, and they can't wait until Ethan is born.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Garage Sales for Moms
Garage sales, Craig's list, and consignment shops are the way to go! This weekend I really racked up. I found a Baby Bjorn for only $20. This is one of those baby carriers that moms and dads wear in front of them to carry their infant and they cost $100+ new. I also found one of those learning tables that light up and talk to your baby in English and Spanish, numbers, ABC's, reading and music. They are $50 new, and I bought it for $10 at a garage sale. I spent only $22 at one house in Hoover on Saturday morning and took home a bag full of clothing for Ethan... socks, onsies, cute outfits, baby swimming shorts, a cover for the changing table, burping cloths, a very soft, baby blue, blanket, new with the tags, an adorable shower curtain for his bathroom with monkeys, bottle rack for drying baby bottles, etc. This was the house where I found the learning table. I was so excited to come home and go through everything.
Twice a year there is a huge consignment sale called Kids Market and Mom. It is located on Lakeshore Parkway off hwy 65 in Birmingham, AL, and they have everything! I found a Noah's Ark picture frame with individual slots to put pictures of Ethan, 1 month- his 1st Birthday so we can see how much he grows each month. It was only $6, was in the box, never used, and I imagine it costs more than $20 new. I found a pair of Tickle Me Elmo soft hand gloves that vibrate and laugh and talk to you and a CD to go with it for only $7. I found one of those infant pianos for $8, some really good baby books and two rain jackets. They really do have everything, even nursing bras, breast pumps, maternity clothes, pack n' plays, bassinets, etc.
Saturday I also went to Me and Mom Consignments in Alabaster. I bought two Veggie Tales DVDs, baby socks, and a few outfits. They have Baby Einstein DVDs for $8 a DVD. She gets new things in all the time, and the store is packed. You can sell your items to her when you no longer need them.
It really doesn't make sense to buy a ton of new things for babies. They grow out of everything so quickly, clothes and toys. Mothers, even if you are able to buy all new stuff for your little ones, please don't. Do your family a favor and buy from consignment stores and garage sales. It is not gross, and everything looks and works like new. The extra money can go towards a trip to Disney World, Summer beach vacations, savings for college education, or a fund for your child's 20's when they scared to death because life is harder than what was predicted. Your wallet and your husband will thank you. Always check to be sure car seats, cribs, etc. are up to current safety codes and regulations.
Twice a year there is a huge consignment sale called Kids Market and Mom. It is located on Lakeshore Parkway off hwy 65 in Birmingham, AL, and they have everything! I found a Noah's Ark picture frame with individual slots to put pictures of Ethan, 1 month- his 1st Birthday so we can see how much he grows each month. It was only $6, was in the box, never used, and I imagine it costs more than $20 new. I found a pair of Tickle Me Elmo soft hand gloves that vibrate and laugh and talk to you and a CD to go with it for only $7. I found one of those infant pianos for $8, some really good baby books and two rain jackets. They really do have everything, even nursing bras, breast pumps, maternity clothes, pack n' plays, bassinets, etc.
Saturday I also went to Me and Mom Consignments in Alabaster. I bought two Veggie Tales DVDs, baby socks, and a few outfits. They have Baby Einstein DVDs for $8 a DVD. She gets new things in all the time, and the store is packed. You can sell your items to her when you no longer need them.
It really doesn't make sense to buy a ton of new things for babies. They grow out of everything so quickly, clothes and toys. Mothers, even if you are able to buy all new stuff for your little ones, please don't. Do your family a favor and buy from consignment stores and garage sales. It is not gross, and everything looks and works like new. The extra money can go towards a trip to Disney World, Summer beach vacations, savings for college education, or a fund for your child's 20's when they scared to death because life is harder than what was predicted. Your wallet and your husband will thank you. Always check to be sure car seats, cribs, etc. are up to current safety codes and regulations.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
37 Weeks- Full Term
I had my OB visit today. There are still no changes to the cervix. I found out that my blood type is O Positive, which means I can give blood to any blood type, but I can only take O Positive blood if I need it. I thought that was interesting. I try giving blood, but they always have trouble taking it from me. I have been successful at giving blood twice. The other times my veins were too small and they were unable to get a whole bag from my arm. I wonder if this means that Ethan's blood is O Positive. We are sharing almost everything right now.
Again, it was such a relief to hear his heartbeat. It was 133. I'm always a little concerned that I wont hear a heartbeat. I talked to the nurse about it and she gave me some really encouraging words. She said that you just have to remember that God is in control and He is taking care of the baby. Whatever happens will be His will, and I just have to take care of myself and the baby and not worry about things that could happen beyond my control. I absolutely love OBGYN South. I was reading the Bible verses on the walls today, and the nurse today really blessed me. I knew I liked her. It is always nice when people are excited to talk about God and what He is doing for us.
Ethan is now measuring accurately. He was a measuring a week ahead, but he is right on track now. My OB, Dr. Campbell, said he is probably almost 7 pounds right now. He will be about 8 pounds at my due date. I read about 2 or 3 pregnancy emails a week. I read somewhere that some women will dilate a couple weeks before they go into labor, while others do not dilate until they are in labor. This means that we could still have the baby any time now. My husband said he was going to pack his bags tonight, but I guess he forgot. There are checklists for everything: baby registry items, what to bring to the hospital, and to-do lists for the final months of pregnancy. I just read that we shouldn't put the crib in front of a window, and Ethan's is currently right in front of a window. I didn't think about that, but I guess we will have to move it.
The following link is my a link on my pregnancy email from Gerber for 37 weeks:
According to the website, the baby's immune system and dexterity is strengthening. Ethan is now able to grasp with his fingers. He will be able to hold onto my fingers and hair after he is born, and he'll continue to grow stronger. Babies actually lose weight after birth. If he is born an 8 lb baby, it wouldn't be surprising if he is only 7 lbs a week later. Almost any questions I have are answered when I read from these pregnancy websites. I will need to continue to eat more and take vitamins after Ethan's birth. I will be breastfeeding, and breastfeeding requires more calorie intake than normal. Fish oil is a recommended vitamin for breastfeeding mothers.
I have also learned some good exercises to do to make labor a little easier. I expect it to hurt, but I am not worrying about it.
Again, it was such a relief to hear his heartbeat. It was 133. I'm always a little concerned that I wont hear a heartbeat. I talked to the nurse about it and she gave me some really encouraging words. She said that you just have to remember that God is in control and He is taking care of the baby. Whatever happens will be His will, and I just have to take care of myself and the baby and not worry about things that could happen beyond my control. I absolutely love OBGYN South. I was reading the Bible verses on the walls today, and the nurse today really blessed me. I knew I liked her. It is always nice when people are excited to talk about God and what He is doing for us.
Ethan is now measuring accurately. He was a measuring a week ahead, but he is right on track now. My OB, Dr. Campbell, said he is probably almost 7 pounds right now. He will be about 8 pounds at my due date. I read about 2 or 3 pregnancy emails a week. I read somewhere that some women will dilate a couple weeks before they go into labor, while others do not dilate until they are in labor. This means that we could still have the baby any time now. My husband said he was going to pack his bags tonight, but I guess he forgot. There are checklists for everything: baby registry items, what to bring to the hospital, and to-do lists for the final months of pregnancy. I just read that we shouldn't put the crib in front of a window, and Ethan's is currently right in front of a window. I didn't think about that, but I guess we will have to move it.
The following link is my a link on my pregnancy email from Gerber for 37 weeks:
According to the website, the baby's immune system and dexterity is strengthening. Ethan is now able to grasp with his fingers. He will be able to hold onto my fingers and hair after he is born, and he'll continue to grow stronger. Babies actually lose weight after birth. If he is born an 8 lb baby, it wouldn't be surprising if he is only 7 lbs a week later. Almost any questions I have are answered when I read from these pregnancy websites. I will need to continue to eat more and take vitamins after Ethan's birth. I will be breastfeeding, and breastfeeding requires more calorie intake than normal. Fish oil is a recommended vitamin for breastfeeding mothers.
I have also learned some good exercises to do to make labor a little easier. I expect it to hurt, but I am not worrying about it.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
More Fun Baby Preparations
I have never enjoyed laundry and cleaning so much. I have finished washing, drying, and putting up all of Ethan's clothes, blankets, and bedding. We have Baby All, especially made for babies. It smells like a baby. I love it. Today I hung his wall decorations. He has sports theme bedding and some monkey and giraffe things. I like Zoo animals and sports for Ethan. Baby things are so adorable. His 5 drawer chest from Buy Buy Baby is packed full, and I need more hangers to hang some of his clothes in the closet. Last night I found two more bags of clothes and blankets in the bottom of his closet that I wasn't aware were there. It was really exciting. I knew he had more clothes and blankets somewhere. Kris and I always walk in his room just to look at his things.
Last night, my husband Kris, put together Ethan's bookcase. It looks so good, and even better with so many books already filling it up. I have found some great deals on baby books. The dollar bins at target have board books for baby. Board books and the soft books are recommended because babies put everything in their mouths. My parents brought the mattress for the Pack N' Play this weekend. I washed the sheets and put the mattress down. Now it just needs a sweet baby boy to sleep in it. We took a trip to Buy Buy Baby last night to see if they can replace the sounds thing that doesn't seem to be working. Our Pack N' Play was shipped, and we don't know why the sound isn't working. It has some sweet noises to help soothe babies and put them to sleep. It may work, because Kris said we didn't change the batteries yet. We have to unscrew it to put new batteries in, so I'll do that tonight. If it doesn't work, they will replace it for us.
I think I said in a previous post that I had the bags packed already, but there are a few more things we will have to pack when it's hospital time. My 36-37 week OB visit is tomorrow. I'll be 37 weeks on Friday, which is considered full term. It'll be exciting to see if any changes have happened to get me closer to labor.
I feel really gross at my pregnancy weight. I just cannot wait to go for a walk today. I'd rather have only gained 20 lbs instead of 50. I'll get it off this summer. The way I dress now would make me a perfect candidate for "What Not To Wear". I am a fashion no-no. Nothing fits! I know there are cute Maternity clothes I could buy, but I just haven't. When I think about getting my 20 year old body back, I get very excited and motivated.
We still need to put in the car seat and buy a few things before going to the hospital. I don't know that I will ever feel ready for certain things in life, but we can at least do what we are able to do that needs to be done. I am also going to disinfect the baby 's room with some Lysol kitchen wipes today. I'm not going to keep Ethan away from dirt and germs. He is a boy! There is new evidence that children need to be exposed to germs, and it is actually bad to disinfect everything and wash your child's hands all the time.
Greenvale Pediatrics called today and said our baby's doctor will be Dr. Darby McElderly. She will actually come to the hospital when I have Ethan to check on him. I didn't know that. I will be able to add him to my insurance after his birth. I need to buy a humidifier. I am sure I will think of other things that we need to do, but that, like laundry, is endless.
Last night, my husband Kris, put together Ethan's bookcase. It looks so good, and even better with so many books already filling it up. I have found some great deals on baby books. The dollar bins at target have board books for baby. Board books and the soft books are recommended because babies put everything in their mouths. My parents brought the mattress for the Pack N' Play this weekend. I washed the sheets and put the mattress down. Now it just needs a sweet baby boy to sleep in it. We took a trip to Buy Buy Baby last night to see if they can replace the sounds thing that doesn't seem to be working. Our Pack N' Play was shipped, and we don't know why the sound isn't working. It has some sweet noises to help soothe babies and put them to sleep. It may work, because Kris said we didn't change the batteries yet. We have to unscrew it to put new batteries in, so I'll do that tonight. If it doesn't work, they will replace it for us.
I think I said in a previous post that I had the bags packed already, but there are a few more things we will have to pack when it's hospital time. My 36-37 week OB visit is tomorrow. I'll be 37 weeks on Friday, which is considered full term. It'll be exciting to see if any changes have happened to get me closer to labor.
I feel really gross at my pregnancy weight. I just cannot wait to go for a walk today. I'd rather have only gained 20 lbs instead of 50. I'll get it off this summer. The way I dress now would make me a perfect candidate for "What Not To Wear". I am a fashion no-no. Nothing fits! I know there are cute Maternity clothes I could buy, but I just haven't. When I think about getting my 20 year old body back, I get very excited and motivated.
We still need to put in the car seat and buy a few things before going to the hospital. I don't know that I will ever feel ready for certain things in life, but we can at least do what we are able to do that needs to be done. I am also going to disinfect the baby 's room with some Lysol kitchen wipes today. I'm not going to keep Ethan away from dirt and germs. He is a boy! There is new evidence that children need to be exposed to germs, and it is actually bad to disinfect everything and wash your child's hands all the time.
Greenvale Pediatrics called today and said our baby's doctor will be Dr. Darby McElderly. She will actually come to the hospital when I have Ethan to check on him. I didn't know that. I will be able to add him to my insurance after his birth. I need to buy a humidifier. I am sure I will think of other things that we need to do, but that, like laundry, is endless.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Baby Movements
I love feeling Ethan move in my belly. It is the best experience of pregnancy for me. I felt him for the first time around 19 weeks. These first movements are called quickening. It's hard to tell at first whether this is the baby moving or just something funny you ate for lunch. At that time, Ethan was doing all sorts of flips and turns. He had much more room to exercise. I actually remember the first time I felt Ethan move was the morning of the Iron Bowl. I was so excited. I called Kris, who was working that morning, and sent a text to my Dad to tell them. He said that he was excited about the Iron Bowl. I completely agree! Kris and I are both huge Auburn fans, so Ethan must have felt the excitement, even inside the womb. I probably made Ethan do a lot of flips that day. The Iron Bowl was such a close game, and Auburn was losing during the first half. I was yelling at the tv, and jumping up and down, but carefully. It was just really hard to hold back the emotion during that game.
The next milestone for me was when I could see Ethan move. I was in the bathtub with hot water and saw him kicking. I called Kris and said, get back in and get the camera. He wanted me to videotape it for him. It would have been hard to see. Ethan didn't even weigh a pound at 19 weeks. He was more like 9 or 10 ounces. It's hard to believe that I could see him kick when he was so small.
Movements over the last 18 weeks have been enjoyable for Kris and I. It is comforting to feel and see him move, especially when I begin to worry that something may be wrong. I have even worried that he was not alive anymore. I know I'm not the only one with those concerns during pregnancy. One morning at church I was so concerned that my hose were cutting off his air supply that I went to the bathroom and decided to do without hose during church. I didn't like my pale legs, but it was better than being worried that my son was uncomfortable and the hose was hurting or even killing him.
Baby kicks and movements now feel like my stomach is trembling. It's like an earthquake in my belly. It doesn't hurt. I haven't felt any feet in my ribs or anything like that. The uncomfortable part is when he shoves into my bladder and I feel like I'm going to pee in my pants. That doesn't feel good, but it doesn't hurt. I love every time I feel him. His head is down now, and his feet are up. It's really cool when I feel him poking his bottom out. I think one or two times his movements hurt me. He weighs over 6 pounds now, and he is taking up more room.
Kris loves feeling Ethan move and kick. he is sometimes amazed seeing something move from one side to the other underneath my skin. He rubs my belly, talks to him, and reads him books sometimes. When I rub my belly, or Kris rubs my belly, Ethan will move more. Kris is going to tell you his perspective:
Hi I'm Kris. When I see Ethan move in my wife's stomach it really puts it all in perspective for me. As a first-time father its kind of weird to think about a baby growing inside my wife, but at the same time it's cool. I remember the first time I felt him move it was so awesome. Of course with the excitement of having a child comes worries about how I am going to raise him. Every little thing can affect him. I think these are worries that every father has. I know that my wife will be a great mother. With a mother like that I can't fail!!!!!!!!! I told you he was a wonderful hubby! I'm feeling our baby move right now. My lower belly where his head is was shaking. It really is the best experience, and I'm blessed to have such a fun and loving husband to share it with.
The next milestone for me was when I could see Ethan move. I was in the bathtub with hot water and saw him kicking. I called Kris and said, get back in and get the camera. He wanted me to videotape it for him. It would have been hard to see. Ethan didn't even weigh a pound at 19 weeks. He was more like 9 or 10 ounces. It's hard to believe that I could see him kick when he was so small.
Movements over the last 18 weeks have been enjoyable for Kris and I. It is comforting to feel and see him move, especially when I begin to worry that something may be wrong. I have even worried that he was not alive anymore. I know I'm not the only one with those concerns during pregnancy. One morning at church I was so concerned that my hose were cutting off his air supply that I went to the bathroom and decided to do without hose during church. I didn't like my pale legs, but it was better than being worried that my son was uncomfortable and the hose was hurting or even killing him.
Baby kicks and movements now feel like my stomach is trembling. It's like an earthquake in my belly. It doesn't hurt. I haven't felt any feet in my ribs or anything like that. The uncomfortable part is when he shoves into my bladder and I feel like I'm going to pee in my pants. That doesn't feel good, but it doesn't hurt. I love every time I feel him. His head is down now, and his feet are up. It's really cool when I feel him poking his bottom out. I think one or two times his movements hurt me. He weighs over 6 pounds now, and he is taking up more room.
Kris loves feeling Ethan move and kick. he is sometimes amazed seeing something move from one side to the other underneath my skin. He rubs my belly, talks to him, and reads him books sometimes. When I rub my belly, or Kris rubs my belly, Ethan will move more. Kris is going to tell you his perspective:
Hi I'm Kris. When I see Ethan move in my wife's stomach it really puts it all in perspective for me. As a first-time father its kind of weird to think about a baby growing inside my wife, but at the same time it's cool. I remember the first time I felt him move it was so awesome. Of course with the excitement of having a child comes worries about how I am going to raise him. Every little thing can affect him. I think these are worries that every father has. I know that my wife will be a great mother. With a mother like that I can't fail!!!!!!!!! I told you he was a wonderful hubby! I'm feeling our baby move right now. My lower belly where his head is was shaking. It really is the best experience, and I'm blessed to have such a fun and loving husband to share it with.
Friday, March 25, 2011
36 Weeks
Today I had the 36 week OB visit. It was originally scheduled for Wednesday, but a few complications that made me 40 minutes late caused me to reschedule for this morning. I met the last doctor that I had not met yet, Dr. Adcock. I was a little unsure about this visit because I knew he would have to "check" me to find out if I'm dilated yet, and also do the Strep B test. Well it was an interesting way of introducing ourselves. I would have rather met this doctor earlier. I will see my OB, Dr. Campbell, next week.
If the test for Strep B comes back positive, they will have to give me antibiotics during labor. I don't think it will be, but the test is necessary for all pregnant women as Strep B is harmful for newborns passing through the birth canal.
Well, I'm not dilated. I didn't expect to be, but it would be nice to know that he is closer to being ready for birth. The baby is still head down. The doctor touched his head. It was weird. Ethan was squirming around this afternoon after the visit. I talked to him for a minute and said, "That was weird wasn't it? Someone poking you in the head." I love him.
At 36 weeks, our baby should weight about 6 lbs. The Pregnancy Babble website says our baby is the size of 3 pomegranates. Every week I get to see what fruit Ethan is the size of. Ethan is probably closer to 6 1/2 lbs. I have gained a whopping total of 48 lbs. Wow! You would think with only a 7-8 lb newborn, pregnant women wouldn't gain that much. Well, this is something I grabbed from
Ok, and still I have gained 13 lbs, to date, more than the recommended weight gain for an average size woman, which I am. I started this pregnancy with an average BMI. Underweight women should gain more and overweight women should gain less than the recommended 25-35 lbs.
I have been a lot less active, and have been eating a lot more fast food and chocolate than I normally would. I have made some really healthy choices, but also some bad choices. I'm really upset about it, so my husband will have to watch the baby while I exercise this summer, and I'll need to revert back to my healthy eating habits.
I am getting really ready to have the baby. I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I am sore at night. I waddle like a duck when I walk, none of my clothes fit, and I want to hold my baby. I know Kris is ready too. We are probably both a little concerned too. This is our first baby, and what is the adjustment going to be like. I know we will be fine, but I really wonder what the new expenses are going to be. You don't really know until you get there.
Well, I just remembered that I was going to go to get a pediatrician today at Greenvale. They are only a minute from where we live, and they were recommended to us by one of the OBs at OBGYN South at Brookwood Medical Center. I am convinced that this is the best practice in Birmingham! They are a Christian facility. There are bible verses on the walls of every room. This is comforting to me. I have not gotten much accomplished today, so I better start. I have had the worst anxiety and headaches, so I have to lie down and sleep or just relax to make myself feel better. I hope this goes away, because it is really disrupting my daily life. If I still feel like this after Ethan is born, I am going to talk to a doctor about it.
If the test for Strep B comes back positive, they will have to give me antibiotics during labor. I don't think it will be, but the test is necessary for all pregnant women as Strep B is harmful for newborns passing through the birth canal.
Well, I'm not dilated. I didn't expect to be, but it would be nice to know that he is closer to being ready for birth. The baby is still head down. The doctor touched his head. It was weird. Ethan was squirming around this afternoon after the visit. I talked to him for a minute and said, "That was weird wasn't it? Someone poking you in the head." I love him.
At 36 weeks, our baby should weight about 6 lbs. The Pregnancy Babble website says our baby is the size of 3 pomegranates. Every week I get to see what fruit Ethan is the size of. Ethan is probably closer to 6 1/2 lbs. I have gained a whopping total of 48 lbs. Wow! You would think with only a 7-8 lb newborn, pregnant women wouldn't gain that much. Well, this is something I grabbed from
Baby | 8 pounds |
Placenta | 2-3 pounds |
Amniotic fluid | 2-3 pounds |
Breast tissue | 2-3 pounds |
Blood supply | 4 pounds |
Fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding | 5-9 pounds |
Uterus increase | 2-5 pounds |
Total | 25 to 35 pounds |
I have been a lot less active, and have been eating a lot more fast food and chocolate than I normally would. I have made some really healthy choices, but also some bad choices. I'm really upset about it, so my husband will have to watch the baby while I exercise this summer, and I'll need to revert back to my healthy eating habits.
I am getting really ready to have the baby. I don't want to be pregnant anymore. I am sore at night. I waddle like a duck when I walk, none of my clothes fit, and I want to hold my baby. I know Kris is ready too. We are probably both a little concerned too. This is our first baby, and what is the adjustment going to be like. I know we will be fine, but I really wonder what the new expenses are going to be. You don't really know until you get there.
Well, I just remembered that I was going to go to get a pediatrician today at Greenvale. They are only a minute from where we live, and they were recommended to us by one of the OBs at OBGYN South at Brookwood Medical Center. I am convinced that this is the best practice in Birmingham! They are a Christian facility. There are bible verses on the walls of every room. This is comforting to me. I have not gotten much accomplished today, so I better start. I have had the worst anxiety and headaches, so I have to lie down and sleep or just relax to make myself feel better. I hope this goes away, because it is really disrupting my daily life. If I still feel like this after Ethan is born, I am going to talk to a doctor about it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is the unexplainable death of a child under the age of 1. It is a really scary thing for a mother and father to think about, so I try not to. Since 1992, the rates have dropped dramatically. SIDS can be caused by several different things, second-hand smoking for one. Most people now seem to know some of the likely causes, but it is still a very good idea for parents-to-be to do a little reading and research on SIDS to prevent it from happening to their new babies.
The experts will warn you not to place a baby on his or her stomach while sleeping. Babies should always sleep on their backs. Also, nothing, this includes blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc., should be in the bed with a baby while he or she is sleeping. Babies breathe much more easily lying on their backs with nothing around them to hinder the flow of oxygen. Babies should not sleep in the bed with their parents. Premature babies, multiples, and babies born with late or no prenatal care are also more likely to die from SIDS.
Well, we do not smoke or do drugs. I have had wonderful prenatal care. We are prepared to have baby Ethan sleep in a pack n' play sleeper near our bed for the first few months, and then in his crib. We will not have anything in the crib with him, and he will be placed on his back. He is not a preemie, as I am already 36 weeks along this Friday, and we have done some reading, talked to the doctors, and talked to the grandparents about how he should sleep.
If you want to read about SIDS yourself, just Google it. Here is a good website:
I try not to worry about all the possible dangerous things that could happen. It would make me sick. I do think about it, and will probably check to make sure he's breathing when he's sleeping sometimes. I sometimes get a sick feeling about carrying him upstairs or driving with him in the car. This is our first child, so the worries, fears, and joys of parenthood are all very new! I just can't wait to have him sleeping beside our bed instead of in my belly!!
The experts will warn you not to place a baby on his or her stomach while sleeping. Babies should always sleep on their backs. Also, nothing, this includes blankets, pillows, stuffed animals, etc., should be in the bed with a baby while he or she is sleeping. Babies breathe much more easily lying on their backs with nothing around them to hinder the flow of oxygen. Babies should not sleep in the bed with their parents. Premature babies, multiples, and babies born with late or no prenatal care are also more likely to die from SIDS.
Well, we do not smoke or do drugs. I have had wonderful prenatal care. We are prepared to have baby Ethan sleep in a pack n' play sleeper near our bed for the first few months, and then in his crib. We will not have anything in the crib with him, and he will be placed on his back. He is not a preemie, as I am already 36 weeks along this Friday, and we have done some reading, talked to the doctors, and talked to the grandparents about how he should sleep.
If you want to read about SIDS yourself, just Google it. Here is a good website:
I try not to worry about all the possible dangerous things that could happen. It would make me sick. I do think about it, and will probably check to make sure he's breathing when he's sleeping sometimes. I sometimes get a sick feeling about carrying him upstairs or driving with him in the car. This is our first child, so the worries, fears, and joys of parenthood are all very new! I just can't wait to have him sleeping beside our bed instead of in my belly!!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
This weekend, and on previous occasions, I have satisfied my incredible urge to organize and clean to the point of exhaustion and sore muscles. Sunday Kris drove to Cullman to pick up our brand new bedroom furniture. It looks so good in our apartment. I couldn't be more happy about it. We have a queen size bed, dresser with a mirror, another dresser, and a nightstand. It's wood, and now it feels like we actually have a nice set of furniture instead of things just thrown in our bedroom. I woke up this morning thinking I was in someone else's house. I decided to stay home and get things done around the house while Kris was in Cullman. I wouldn't have been able to help with anything, so I was more productive at home. Leftover from the previous week's laundry, there was a pile of shirts and pants on the couch that needed to be ironed. Check! There was four loads of laundry in the hamper to be washed, dried, and ironed. Check! Dishes in the dishwasher and piled in the sink needed to be washed and dried. Check!
Well if this alone didn't take all day long, I also managed to go through two or three boxes of things we still had lying around from the move and put them away. I picked up some computer parts Kris has for work in the house and moved those to storage. I removed the sheets from our bed and went through we had in the headboard so it would be easier to put the new bed in our bedroom. I organized a few things in the nursery. Cleaned the kitchen counters and the bathrooms. I'm 9 months pregnant now, so doing all of this completely wore me out. Especially since I did it all after going on an hour long walk around the neighborhood, then taking a warm bath.
Kris faced a few problems in Cullman trying to get our new furniture to us. The Excursion had a flat tire, so they had to get a new tire. There were some other issues, and they ended up not making it back until 9pm. My mother and father-in-law followed Kris and his younger sister to our apartment in Birmingham. The dresser without the mirror fell off the back of the truck sometime during the trip. The top and bottom of it broke, but my husband is such a handyman that he was able to repair it and put the TV on top so no one can see the scuffs. It looks great. I made some chicken alfredo for everyone to eat when they arrived. Yesterday we were exhausted.
There is still so much more I want to do before the baby is born, but it just takes longer, and I can't lift anything. I will have some more cleaning to do: bathrooms, floors, mirrors, pledge on the furniture, etc. We need the bookshelf put together so I can put Ethan's books on it and clean out the bottom of his closet. We now have our old furniture in the living room and it will be taken to my grandmother's house to store this weekend.
The following website talks about maternal nesting.
I don't believe I have had any irrational behaviors, such as those described on the website. It makes sense to feel the need to clean and organize the house, especially when you are spending more time at home taking pregnancy leave from work or school. There is a lot to do to prepare for a baby. As a new mother I want to bring him home with the least amount of worries possible. We still haven't figured out the car seat, talked to a pediatrician, and added the baby to my insurance plan. I want these things done before April 1st.
Well if this alone didn't take all day long, I also managed to go through two or three boxes of things we still had lying around from the move and put them away. I picked up some computer parts Kris has for work in the house and moved those to storage. I removed the sheets from our bed and went through we had in the headboard so it would be easier to put the new bed in our bedroom. I organized a few things in the nursery. Cleaned the kitchen counters and the bathrooms. I'm 9 months pregnant now, so doing all of this completely wore me out. Especially since I did it all after going on an hour long walk around the neighborhood, then taking a warm bath.
Kris faced a few problems in Cullman trying to get our new furniture to us. The Excursion had a flat tire, so they had to get a new tire. There were some other issues, and they ended up not making it back until 9pm. My mother and father-in-law followed Kris and his younger sister to our apartment in Birmingham. The dresser without the mirror fell off the back of the truck sometime during the trip. The top and bottom of it broke, but my husband is such a handyman that he was able to repair it and put the TV on top so no one can see the scuffs. It looks great. I made some chicken alfredo for everyone to eat when they arrived. Yesterday we were exhausted.
There is still so much more I want to do before the baby is born, but it just takes longer, and I can't lift anything. I will have some more cleaning to do: bathrooms, floors, mirrors, pledge on the furniture, etc. We need the bookshelf put together so I can put Ethan's books on it and clean out the bottom of his closet. We now have our old furniture in the living room and it will be taken to my grandmother's house to store this weekend.
The following website talks about maternal nesting.
I don't believe I have had any irrational behaviors, such as those described on the website. It makes sense to feel the need to clean and organize the house, especially when you are spending more time at home taking pregnancy leave from work or school. There is a lot to do to prepare for a baby. As a new mother I want to bring him home with the least amount of worries possible. We still haven't figured out the car seat, talked to a pediatrician, and added the baby to my insurance plan. I want these things done before April 1st.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
March 19, 2011
Last night I dreamed that I was in labor. It was the weirdest dream. I probably felt like I was in labor. I couldn’t get comfortable last night. I got up several times to get something to drink, stretch, and use the bathroom. I know Kris heard my moans and groans. In the dream I was wheeled into a big room. It wasn’t a private room, and it didn’t look anything like Brookwood Medical Center. There was a woman in my room, lying on her wheel around bed. I told her I was afraid I may have to have a C-section because our baby is measuring a week ahead, and has been throughout my third trimester. She said she had just given birth to a big baby. She said her baby weighed 11 lbs. Then I thought, oh, I should be fine then. Our baby will probably be about 8 lbs. The weird part of the dream was that in the room there was a switchboard looking thing in front of the bed. My husband works on computers, but this wasn’t a computer. It had wires and plugs. It was like what you see in an old radio station.
The best part of the dream was that it was a week or two before my due date. I’d like to think this means I’ll go into labor before my due date. Ethan is due April 22nd. If he’s two weeks early, that’ll be April 8th; one week early is April 15th. When I woke up this morning I was thinking about the fact that a lot of the women I know are being induced. I talked to Dr. Campbell, my OB, about inducing me a week early to give me time to recover before finals. She said this was a possibility. The girls I know are always scheduled on a Monday morning. If they schedule me to be induced on Monday of the week Ethan is due (he is due on a Friday), that will be April 18th. April 18th is my older brother’s birthday, and I don’t get along with my older brother. Most of the time we hate each other. I really hope it just happens naturally around April 8th, and that is in 3 weeks.
We are getting the rocking chair today. It was delivered to my parent’s house, and Kris will put it together as soon as they bring it to us I’m sure. Last night we went to Home Depot to pick out wall colors, and realized that it would cost us over $100 to paint his room. This would be fine, but we would have to find out what colors the walls are now and repaint them before we move out of our apartment. It’s best if we just leave it. Also, Kris had to drill into the wall to get Ethan’s closet to stand up straight (remember, this is the closet that Kris built for Ethan which started tilting when moved). Kris’s grandfather passed away about two months ago. Kris’s parents are giving us the wood furniture from one of the bedrooms of his house: a queen size bed, two dressers, and a nightstand. We are driving to Cullman tomorrow to pick it all up. I searched for diaper bags yesterday and found one the same design as Ethan’s pack n’ play. We’ll go get it, or order it this week and pack our hospital bags for the big day.
My next appointment is Wednesday, March 23rd. The doctor will “check” me and do the Strep B test. I am so embarrassed. I wish it was Dr. Campbell, but I’m meeting another doctor, and Dr. Campbell is the only female. For the Strep B test, the doctor will have to swab the vagina and rectum. It is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is harmful for infants who can pick it up very easily during vaginal birth. Women who test positive are given antibiotics during labor and delivery to prevent it from being passed to the newborn. You can read more about Strep B at
Well, I’m going for a walk. My husband should be home from working this morning in an hour, so I need to get some exercise in. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs!
The best part of the dream was that it was a week or two before my due date. I’d like to think this means I’ll go into labor before my due date. Ethan is due April 22nd. If he’s two weeks early, that’ll be April 8th; one week early is April 15th. When I woke up this morning I was thinking about the fact that a lot of the women I know are being induced. I talked to Dr. Campbell, my OB, about inducing me a week early to give me time to recover before finals. She said this was a possibility. The girls I know are always scheduled on a Monday morning. If they schedule me to be induced on Monday of the week Ethan is due (he is due on a Friday), that will be April 18th. April 18th is my older brother’s birthday, and I don’t get along with my older brother. Most of the time we hate each other. I really hope it just happens naturally around April 8th, and that is in 3 weeks.
We are getting the rocking chair today. It was delivered to my parent’s house, and Kris will put it together as soon as they bring it to us I’m sure. Last night we went to Home Depot to pick out wall colors, and realized that it would cost us over $100 to paint his room. This would be fine, but we would have to find out what colors the walls are now and repaint them before we move out of our apartment. It’s best if we just leave it. Also, Kris had to drill into the wall to get Ethan’s closet to stand up straight (remember, this is the closet that Kris built for Ethan which started tilting when moved). Kris’s grandfather passed away about two months ago. Kris’s parents are giving us the wood furniture from one of the bedrooms of his house: a queen size bed, two dressers, and a nightstand. We are driving to Cullman tomorrow to pick it all up. I searched for diaper bags yesterday and found one the same design as Ethan’s pack n’ play. We’ll go get it, or order it this week and pack our hospital bags for the big day.
My next appointment is Wednesday, March 23rd. The doctor will “check” me and do the Strep B test. I am so embarrassed. I wish it was Dr. Campbell, but I’m meeting another doctor, and Dr. Campbell is the only female. For the Strep B test, the doctor will have to swab the vagina and rectum. It is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is harmful for infants who can pick it up very easily during vaginal birth. Women who test positive are given antibiotics during labor and delivery to prevent it from being passed to the newborn. You can read more about Strep B at
Well, I’m going for a walk. My husband should be home from working this morning in an hour, so I need to get some exercise in. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Bargain Mom
We are finding the best ways to save money. I have become such a bargain hunter. I search Craig’s List at least once a week for items we need. We have found several garage sales and bought some really nice things for next to nothing. We have two couches, a living room rug, bookcase, antique end table, reclining chair, and dining room table all for less than $500. Our other living room furniture was the wicker furniture that was in my house growing up. We found Ethan’s crib and changing table for only $200, bought from a lady who used it for her daughter for only 3 years. We were given two strollers and two car seats from my brother and a friend who will no longer be using them. They are still in excellent condition. They look brand new.
I have been hunting dollar items in the dollar bins at target and at the Dollar Tree, and have found a nice collection of books for Ethan. This Christmas, I also racked up at CVS and other stores’ After Christmas Sales. I found decorations for the house, books, Christmas cards, two teddy bears, and more. All of it was 75% and even 90% off. I paid only $90 to a girl who posted baby items on Craigs’ list, and got tons of clothes, blankets, baby shoes, toys, and a bouncy seat. The clothes she was pricing at only 25 cents to a dollar. Babies grow out of their clothes so quickly, it just doesn't make sense to buy them all new clothes.
My husband works on computers, and we came across a garage sale that was ending, and the lady gave us some old computers. He connected one of the monitors to his laptop, which has a broken screen, and we now have a desktop computer at home. I have learned the value of Great Value products at Walmart. I have also learned that the dollar menu items in the drive-thru save us about $30 a week. That’s two people stopping somewhere to eat about 5 times a week each.
A girl I know teaches a coupon class. I missed her first class, and I am looking forward to the next time she teaches this. Also a drug store class. These teach us how to find coupons and how to shop at CVS. She has found some really great deals and coupons. I have printed out coupons, but still would like to learn her tricks. With a baby at home, we will be visiting CVS a lot for diapers and medicine, etc. I can’t wait to start saving money after these classes.
Most of what we think we "need", we can do without. I don't need manicures, pedicures, highlights, a tanning membership, or a gym membership when I have a free gym to use at UAB.
I have turned saving money into an enjoyable experience. I love shopping! Now I know how to buy more and pay less. I don't feel like my jeans have to be more than $50 to feel good about them. Saving money, in a way, feels like making money. I come from a family with expensive taste. It is hard for me to adjust sometimes, but I have become a bargain addict. My mom always told us she would do without so we could have things we wanted. I understand that she would buy really nice things for us and not buy things for herself. We are spoiled. I don't really want to copy this because I know how expensive it was for my parents, but I want to treat my children and give them a full life like I have had. I can't wait to find more bargains!
If you're not sure how to start saving money, you can get tips from the internet. Just do a Google search for Bargain mom, saving money, or coupons. You also have to change your way of thinking and understand the needs of your family should come before your wants.
I have been hunting dollar items in the dollar bins at target and at the Dollar Tree, and have found a nice collection of books for Ethan. This Christmas, I also racked up at CVS and other stores’ After Christmas Sales. I found decorations for the house, books, Christmas cards, two teddy bears, and more. All of it was 75% and even 90% off. I paid only $90 to a girl who posted baby items on Craigs’ list, and got tons of clothes, blankets, baby shoes, toys, and a bouncy seat. The clothes she was pricing at only 25 cents to a dollar. Babies grow out of their clothes so quickly, it just doesn't make sense to buy them all new clothes.
My husband works on computers, and we came across a garage sale that was ending, and the lady gave us some old computers. He connected one of the monitors to his laptop, which has a broken screen, and we now have a desktop computer at home. I have learned the value of Great Value products at Walmart. I have also learned that the dollar menu items in the drive-thru save us about $30 a week. That’s two people stopping somewhere to eat about 5 times a week each.
A girl I know teaches a coupon class. I missed her first class, and I am looking forward to the next time she teaches this. Also a drug store class. These teach us how to find coupons and how to shop at CVS. She has found some really great deals and coupons. I have printed out coupons, but still would like to learn her tricks. With a baby at home, we will be visiting CVS a lot for diapers and medicine, etc. I can’t wait to start saving money after these classes.
Most of what we think we "need", we can do without. I don't need manicures, pedicures, highlights, a tanning membership, or a gym membership when I have a free gym to use at UAB.
I have turned saving money into an enjoyable experience. I love shopping! Now I know how to buy more and pay less. I don't feel like my jeans have to be more than $50 to feel good about them. Saving money, in a way, feels like making money. I come from a family with expensive taste. It is hard for me to adjust sometimes, but I have become a bargain addict. My mom always told us she would do without so we could have things we wanted. I understand that she would buy really nice things for us and not buy things for herself. We are spoiled. I don't really want to copy this because I know how expensive it was for my parents, but I want to treat my children and give them a full life like I have had. I can't wait to find more bargains!
If you're not sure how to start saving money, you can get tips from the internet. Just do a Google search for Bargain mom, saving money, or coupons. You also have to change your way of thinking and understand the needs of your family should come before your wants.
Pregnancy Sleep and Dreams
This first trimester of pregnancy really wears you out. According to an article on the sleep inducing hormone, progesterone, causes pregnant women in the first trimester to feel exhausted. I remember being so tired throughout the day. I had to take naps to help with the exhaustion. I did begin waking up a few times at night to go to the bathroom. There is more pressure on your bladder even early on in pregnancy. It is definately more difficult to sleep now than it was 8 months ago. Now I wake up in the middle of the night because my legs are cramping, I have to use the bathroom, or get a glass of water. I also think I haven't slept as deeply because I do less activity throughout the day, so at night I am not as tired. It's more difficult to move around. I'm only taking 3 classes this semester, and the only exercise I get is when I go for an hr. long walk about 5x a week. I have also had headaches that disturb my sleep.
It is also much less comfortable to sleep lying on your left side all the time. I miss being able to flip over so easily and switch positions. Doing homework and work on the computer is easier when I'm able to lie on my stomach. I'm going to enjoy doing that again very soon!
We bought a body pillow during the second trimester to make sleep easier for me. It helps, but it still isn't as nice as sleeping when I'm not pregnant. Unisom is a sleep aid that pregnant women can safely take. We just ran out of the second pill bottle we bought.
Leg cramps I mentioned earlier are common for pregnant women. It hurts. I have had my legs cramp from the calf all the way up to my thighs. Potassium is supposed to help. So we keep bananas in the house. Also, walking, stretching, and warm baths may help.
You can also read on about some of the wild, vivid dreams that pregnant women sometimes have. I have not been sleeping very well, but I have had some dreams that were strange to me. I don't remember any of them now. The following website gives some helpful information about pregnancy dreams:
Dreams can represent some fears and concerns that go along with being pregnant and having a new baby. My mother-in-law said said she had a disturbing dream. The only disturbing dream I can think of is that I ate something or took something that was bad for the baby and I was afraid he was going to die. I immediately woke up. I really hope I don't have another scary dream. All of these worries are preparing me for worries parents have. I'm already concerned about the things he is going to face in life, but we will pray that he will make Christ the Lord of his life.
It is also much less comfortable to sleep lying on your left side all the time. I miss being able to flip over so easily and switch positions. Doing homework and work on the computer is easier when I'm able to lie on my stomach. I'm going to enjoy doing that again very soon!
We bought a body pillow during the second trimester to make sleep easier for me. It helps, but it still isn't as nice as sleeping when I'm not pregnant. Unisom is a sleep aid that pregnant women can safely take. We just ran out of the second pill bottle we bought.
Leg cramps I mentioned earlier are common for pregnant women. It hurts. I have had my legs cramp from the calf all the way up to my thighs. Potassium is supposed to help. So we keep bananas in the house. Also, walking, stretching, and warm baths may help.
You can also read on about some of the wild, vivid dreams that pregnant women sometimes have. I have not been sleeping very well, but I have had some dreams that were strange to me. I don't remember any of them now. The following website gives some helpful information about pregnancy dreams:
Dreams can represent some fears and concerns that go along with being pregnant and having a new baby. My mother-in-law said said she had a disturbing dream. The only disturbing dream I can think of is that I ate something or took something that was bad for the baby and I was afraid he was going to die. I immediately woke up. I really hope I don't have another scary dream. All of these worries are preparing me for worries parents have. I'm already concerned about the things he is going to face in life, but we will pray that he will make Christ the Lord of his life.
35 Weeks Pregnant
At 35 weeks pregnant, I am getting very close to delivery. 37 weeks is considered full term, and 40 weeks is the amount of time they give you from the date of your last period. That is something I learned. I thought it was from the date of conception, but because we don't really know when that is, the OB uses the date of your last period. As I am sitting here, watching Dr. OZ and thinking about everything that is happening, Lowe's is installing our new washer and dryer. My grandmother gave this and the rocking chair to us at the baby shower. It was so unexpected and a wonderful surprise. I have about 5 loads of laundry waiting. I will also wash Ethan's clothes this week. We bought the All, dermatologist recommended detergent.
Sleeping during the last trimester is difficult. They recommend sleeping on your left side. It has something to do with blood flow and cramps. I feel like Ethan is more comfortable this way too. At 3b weeks, Ethan is still measuring a week ahead. The pregnancy email I receive each week from said that he should weight about 5 1/4 lbs. this week. He probably weighs closer to 6 lbs. Dr. Campbell, my OB, said on Monday that it feels like he will weigh about 8 lbs. at birth, but really there is no way of telling. The email also said he is about 18 inches. He should grow another 2 inches.
I have started weekly visits to the OB. I will meet another OB, the only one I have not seen, on Wednesday of next week. The main concern I have right now is how I will handle finals at UAB and delivering a baby at the same time. Ethan is due on April 22nd, and my first final is April 28th. My last final is May 4th. Dr. Campbell recommended that I talk to my professors about make up exams. She said it's better for me to take the exams before he is born. Unless he is three weeks late, I'll be taking the exams with a newborn at home. That will not happen. She expects him to be here right on time or a week early. We also talked about the possibility of inducing a week early because he is measuring ahead and it will be a little easier for me with an extra week before finals. I would have two weeks after his birth before my first final, which is better than only one week. I will be breastfeeding, and I need to do this without the use of a bottle for a month before introducing him to bottled breast milk. I'm concerned he will be hungry while I'm taking a final, and he will have to take a bottle. I'll have to pump, and he may get confused between the breast and bottle nipple. Dr. Campbell said her main concern is that I wouldn't do as well, especially if I require more recovery time. Some women are in and out of the hospital and require very little recovery, while others require a long recovery. There's always the possibility that I need a C-section, or I could have a tear. In that case I would not be able to leave home. This does concern me, but my main concern is still leaving him.
At 35 weeks, they baby is almost fully developed physically. He will spend most of his time gaining weight during the next few weeks. His lungs may not be fully developed. Preemies born at 35 weeks will likely have some problems and need special care. While I am ready to begin life with my baby outside of the womb, I want him to be as healthy as possible, so stay put baby Ethan, for at least another 2 weeks!
I have mailed all of the thank you notes after the baby shower. We still have a few things left to buy. We need a diaper bag. We will need some more Desitin for diaper rash, and a breast pump. Everything seems to be taken care of. We still have not painted the bedroom, and I hope Kris is able to get some help doing this. This should only take one Saturday. I'm really worried about leaving him this fall. I don't want to leave him with a daycare at all! It'd be more ideal if I could stay home with him, and have baby number 2 in about two years. This just wont happen. I still have about 10 classes left to take at UAB, and these will take 3 or 4 semesters to complete. The PR program has classes that are only offered once a year, and others that have prerequisites. They wont allow me to take all of these classes in two semesters.
I've been a little down about how much weight I gained during pregnancy also. I have gained 45 pounds and will gain another 5. I wanted to keep this down to only 30 pounds, but I have been lazy and eating. I don't feel good, and I will lose it. I just hope it doesn't take a whole year to wear a size 4 or 6 again.
This is what I want to happen, if I could plan out the next few weeks. I want to get all the clothes washed and put away and ironed before the weekend. I want us to pick out a color for Ethan's bedroom, buy it, and paint the room on Saturday. While the paint is drying, Kris and I can put together the bookshelf. Saturday night, after painting, hanging a few things on his wall, and putting Ethan's books away, his room will be complete. We still have not talked with a Pediatrician, so we would do that immediately next week. I will call Blue Cross Blue Shield and have Ethan added to my insurance policy. We will talk to Kris's uncle Tommy and find out if he is able to get us a scholarship for a year of childcare at Covenant Presbyterian Church. We will get our bags ready for the hospital, and in two weeks everything will be completely ready, and my water will break a week earlier than his due date. I'll have A's in all of my classes, and I'll have an easy labor and be able to take finals on time while Ethan is sleeping with a family member watching him. This could all happen, but I'm sure we will face a few more hurdles.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Baby Names
One of the most important things to think about during pregnancy is choosing your baby's name. Kris and I had names chosen for a boy or a girl before I even became pregnant. We were more confident about the boy name than the girl name, so it's a good thing we are having a boy. A little boy named Ethan used to follow Kris around church. He called him his "little buddy." He loves the name Ethan. He said he was thinking about baby names (men do it too) and the middle name Lane sounded good with Ethan. Lane is the boy who lives across the street from Kris's parents' house in Cullman. This was another of Kris's little buddies. Ethan Lane Griffin. I think he chose a perfect name. I'm glad I agree with it.
The girl name we had picked was Katelyn Elise. At a birth defects screening at 12 weeks, the doctor told me that we were having a girl. This is really too soon to tell parents what they should expect, but the doctor was so sure our baby was a girl, that he said he would go ahead and buy pink stuff and bows. So we started buying a few things, but not too much. I was going to keep it a secret until my OB visit at 19 weeks. She said they couldn't tell me and be sure until the ultrasound this far along. It was such a shock when we saw the ultrasound. I told a a few people that we were having a girl, so we had to go back and correct the mistake. Girl or Boy, I was so excited. I have three brothers, so I am more prepared to have a son. Kris was more excited about a first born son also.
We love the name Katelyn. My initials with my maiden name are KAT, and Kris's middle name is LYN. We started by spelling it Katlyn, but later decided that Katelyn was better. Kris said we could call her Kate, and she could go by either Katelyn or Kate, whichever she preferred as an adult. I agreed. My family and everyone I knew growing up calls me Kimberly, but when I meet new people now, they call me Kim. I picked the name Elise by searching online for baby girl names. I wanted something unique and pretty. Kris liked it. We also like the name Holly Faith. Holly, after one of my cousins; and Faith, after one of Kris's cousins. I have a hard time choosing.
There are lots of websites and books parents to be can use to help them find the perfect baby name. Family names are popular. Lawrence Robert Tabor is the name of my grandfather, dad, and my older brother. Dayton is my younger brother's name, and he was named after my paternal great grandfather. Ann is a middle name and a first name in my family and Kris's family. My mom is Ann, my middle name is Ann, Kris's aunt is Ann, and her daughter's middle name is Ann. Kris's sisters name is Julianne; she answers to Julie.
A girl I graduated with from high school named her son Griffin. She said it was a family name on her husband's side. Apparently he has a cousin named Chris Griffin, with a Ch, and they have a son named Ethan Griffin. They also live off of hwy 280, and we live off of hwy 280. I wonder if his wife's name is Kim, or if they have a daughter named either Katelyn or Holly.
A first name with the letter K, seems to be a new tradition for our family as well. My name is Kimberly, my husband is Kristopher, and he has a cousin named Krissy. Kris's real dad's name is Kenny. My cousin named her daughter Katherine, my brother named his daughter Kelsey, and we will probably use the name Katelyn if we have a daughter.
I'm not sure if this was done on purpose, but in Kris's family, there is a Kristopher, Christi, and a Krissy. Also, his younger sister is Virginia, and I have a great aunt named Virginia. The last name, Allen, is a family name on Kris's step dad's side. His grandmother is Judy Allen Page. I believe Allen is her maiden name. I thought it was neat because if that was Kris's last name, our son would be Ethan Allen. In that case, we would have chosen a different first name.
My grandmother's name is Amelia. My cousin with the daughter, Katherine, named her first born daughter Amelia. Their nick names as toddlers were A2 and Kaki. It has been so long since I have seen them that I am not sure if they still go by these nicknames. My older brother, Lawrence Robert Tabor III, is Trey. He has been called Trey since birth. When we were really young, about 4 and 6, my neighbor friend across the street from us called him Frey Neighbor. She was too young to pronounce the T, and she knew he was her neighbor. Also, a few of Trey's friends called him Ash Trey, and he didn't like this as a child. In high school I got the nickname, Kimbo. I didn't like that very much either. Probably because Trey told me some body builder or wrestler or something is named Kimbo Slice, and this association did not make me happy. Some of Kris's friends called him by his last name, Griffin. Before we knew our baby's sex, I liked the name Holly Ann for a girl. Then I realized that her initials would be HAG, so we immediately decided against it.
My grandmother told me a story about twin girls named Ima and Ura. Their last name was Hogg. She said this was a true story. I just did a Google search.
There is more information on it too if you search Ima and Ura Hogg. It says she didn't have a sister named, Ura. Her name was Ima Hogg, and she didn't have a middle name. Why do people do this to their children?
We are lucky and had some great names already chosen. Some parents have a hard time with the baby naming process. The best idea is to chose something you love, and you think your baby will grow up to love as well. Don't name your child, Beauregard. Kris and I like to joke about this and other possible ways we could ruin our son's life. :) We will not do it!
The girl name we had picked was Katelyn Elise. At a birth defects screening at 12 weeks, the doctor told me that we were having a girl. This is really too soon to tell parents what they should expect, but the doctor was so sure our baby was a girl, that he said he would go ahead and buy pink stuff and bows. So we started buying a few things, but not too much. I was going to keep it a secret until my OB visit at 19 weeks. She said they couldn't tell me and be sure until the ultrasound this far along. It was such a shock when we saw the ultrasound. I told a a few people that we were having a girl, so we had to go back and correct the mistake. Girl or Boy, I was so excited. I have three brothers, so I am more prepared to have a son. Kris was more excited about a first born son also.
We love the name Katelyn. My initials with my maiden name are KAT, and Kris's middle name is LYN. We started by spelling it Katlyn, but later decided that Katelyn was better. Kris said we could call her Kate, and she could go by either Katelyn or Kate, whichever she preferred as an adult. I agreed. My family and everyone I knew growing up calls me Kimberly, but when I meet new people now, they call me Kim. I picked the name Elise by searching online for baby girl names. I wanted something unique and pretty. Kris liked it. We also like the name Holly Faith. Holly, after one of my cousins; and Faith, after one of Kris's cousins. I have a hard time choosing.
There are lots of websites and books parents to be can use to help them find the perfect baby name. Family names are popular. Lawrence Robert Tabor is the name of my grandfather, dad, and my older brother. Dayton is my younger brother's name, and he was named after my paternal great grandfather. Ann is a middle name and a first name in my family and Kris's family. My mom is Ann, my middle name is Ann, Kris's aunt is Ann, and her daughter's middle name is Ann. Kris's sisters name is Julianne; she answers to Julie.
A girl I graduated with from high school named her son Griffin. She said it was a family name on her husband's side. Apparently he has a cousin named Chris Griffin, with a Ch, and they have a son named Ethan Griffin. They also live off of hwy 280, and we live off of hwy 280. I wonder if his wife's name is Kim, or if they have a daughter named either Katelyn or Holly.
A first name with the letter K, seems to be a new tradition for our family as well. My name is Kimberly, my husband is Kristopher, and he has a cousin named Krissy. Kris's real dad's name is Kenny. My cousin named her daughter Katherine, my brother named his daughter Kelsey, and we will probably use the name Katelyn if we have a daughter.
I'm not sure if this was done on purpose, but in Kris's family, there is a Kristopher, Christi, and a Krissy. Also, his younger sister is Virginia, and I have a great aunt named Virginia. The last name, Allen, is a family name on Kris's step dad's side. His grandmother is Judy Allen Page. I believe Allen is her maiden name. I thought it was neat because if that was Kris's last name, our son would be Ethan Allen. In that case, we would have chosen a different first name.
My grandmother's name is Amelia. My cousin with the daughter, Katherine, named her first born daughter Amelia. Their nick names as toddlers were A2 and Kaki. It has been so long since I have seen them that I am not sure if they still go by these nicknames. My older brother, Lawrence Robert Tabor III, is Trey. He has been called Trey since birth. When we were really young, about 4 and 6, my neighbor friend across the street from us called him Frey Neighbor. She was too young to pronounce the T, and she knew he was her neighbor. Also, a few of Trey's friends called him Ash Trey, and he didn't like this as a child. In high school I got the nickname, Kimbo. I didn't like that very much either. Probably because Trey told me some body builder or wrestler or something is named Kimbo Slice, and this association did not make me happy. Some of Kris's friends called him by his last name, Griffin. Before we knew our baby's sex, I liked the name Holly Ann for a girl. Then I realized that her initials would be HAG, so we immediately decided against it.
My grandmother told me a story about twin girls named Ima and Ura. Their last name was Hogg. She said this was a true story. I just did a Google search.
There is more information on it too if you search Ima and Ura Hogg. It says she didn't have a sister named, Ura. Her name was Ima Hogg, and she didn't have a middle name. Why do people do this to their children?
We are lucky and had some great names already chosen. Some parents have a hard time with the baby naming process. The best idea is to chose something you love, and you think your baby will grow up to love as well. Don't name your child, Beauregard. Kris and I like to joke about this and other possible ways we could ruin our son's life. :) We will not do it!
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Baby Shower
Yesterday, March 13, 2011, was our baby shower. Typically the best friend or family member other than the pregnant woman's mom throws the baby shower, but my mom hosted our baby shower. She did a great job hosting. Several of my family members live in other states. The only two women in my family in Alabama are my mom and grandmother. Kris's whole family is in Alabama. We feel so blessed to have them close by. They will be such a tremendous help when Ethan arrives.
Also, men are not typically invited. My husband helped at the beginning, and then left the room to watch TV with my brother. I called him up soon after I started opening the gifts. I really wanted him to be there. He said he was glad I did because he wanted to be there too. Several people were out of town and unable to attend, but we really missed them.
We started by sitting around and talking. I felt like the early guests were bored and waiting for something to happen, so I suggested that we eat. My mom had deli and fruit trays. Next we opened the gifts, and that's when I asked someone to tell Kris to come back in the room. We feel so blessed. Our family and friends really spoiled us with presents for Ethan. We do not have to take anything back. All of it was what we needed for him. We got the baby monitor and a nursing pad to help me nurse him. We got the pack n' play, two swings, a big one that sits higher up, and a portable swing that we can put in the car and take to visit our family. I opened clothes, sleepers, rattles, teethers, a baby robe, clippers, childproof kit for the house, socks, diapers, wipes, bath stuff, Baby Einstein sound and light thing for the bed, mirrors, head support for his car seat, etc. etc. We are having a Rocking Chair delivered to us and a washer and dryer delivered on Thursday from my grandmother. Kris was keeping the washer and dryer a surprise. We just moved into our new apartment and really needed one. After presents, I cut the cake, and we ate and talked, and thanked everyone! It was nice to get together, and we hope we can do this more often. We are really close to having everything ready for him. The crib, changing table, car seat, stroller, dresser, closet, bedding, decorations, all of it has been taken care of. We will pick out the wall colors this week and Kris is going to paint and fix his closet and bookcase. My husband enjoys putting things together, but he is wearing himself thin. I hope someone will help him paint, or maybe fix the closet for him. He also works 50 hours a week. This morning I thought his eyes would never open. He put together the crib, changing table, closet, which is now tilting after the move so we have to fix it, both swings, the pack n' play. Did I mention we just moved! He moved us into our two bedroom apartment with furniture that could fill three bedrooms. My brothers and a friend helped, but he did most of it... and when they carried it, he lifted the bulk of the weight for them. We are expecting a new bedroom suit, queen size bed, two dressers, nightstand, and probably another piece of furniture. I hope someone just moves that for him. He needs a break!
On the way home, Kris asked me if I was disappointed the shower was over. I said no, I was looking forward to everything else too. He said he looked forward to this for a long time and he was sad it is over. :) It did go by really fast. He also asked me if I thought we had a normal life. Last year someone told me normal is just a setting on the washer. We have a wonderful life! After we were through putting everything up, I said "God, we're awesome." Kris said, "God, is awesome." I gave him a big hug and was glad he corrected me. I <3 u Kris! God is awesome.
Also, men are not typically invited. My husband helped at the beginning, and then left the room to watch TV with my brother. I called him up soon after I started opening the gifts. I really wanted him to be there. He said he was glad I did because he wanted to be there too. Several people were out of town and unable to attend, but we really missed them.
We started by sitting around and talking. I felt like the early guests were bored and waiting for something to happen, so I suggested that we eat. My mom had deli and fruit trays. Next we opened the gifts, and that's when I asked someone to tell Kris to come back in the room. We feel so blessed. Our family and friends really spoiled us with presents for Ethan. We do not have to take anything back. All of it was what we needed for him. We got the baby monitor and a nursing pad to help me nurse him. We got the pack n' play, two swings, a big one that sits higher up, and a portable swing that we can put in the car and take to visit our family. I opened clothes, sleepers, rattles, teethers, a baby robe, clippers, childproof kit for the house, socks, diapers, wipes, bath stuff, Baby Einstein sound and light thing for the bed, mirrors, head support for his car seat, etc. etc. We are having a Rocking Chair delivered to us and a washer and dryer delivered on Thursday from my grandmother. Kris was keeping the washer and dryer a surprise. We just moved into our new apartment and really needed one. After presents, I cut the cake, and we ate and talked, and thanked everyone! It was nice to get together, and we hope we can do this more often. We are really close to having everything ready for him. The crib, changing table, car seat, stroller, dresser, closet, bedding, decorations, all of it has been taken care of. We will pick out the wall colors this week and Kris is going to paint and fix his closet and bookcase. My husband enjoys putting things together, but he is wearing himself thin. I hope someone will help him paint, or maybe fix the closet for him. He also works 50 hours a week. This morning I thought his eyes would never open. He put together the crib, changing table, closet, which is now tilting after the move so we have to fix it, both swings, the pack n' play. Did I mention we just moved! He moved us into our two bedroom apartment with furniture that could fill three bedrooms. My brothers and a friend helped, but he did most of it... and when they carried it, he lifted the bulk of the weight for them. We are expecting a new bedroom suit, queen size bed, two dressers, nightstand, and probably another piece of furniture. I hope someone just moves that for him. He needs a break!
On the way home, Kris asked me if I was disappointed the shower was over. I said no, I was looking forward to everything else too. He said he looked forward to this for a long time and he was sad it is over. :) It did go by really fast. He also asked me if I thought we had a normal life. Last year someone told me normal is just a setting on the washer. We have a wonderful life! After we were through putting everything up, I said "God, we're awesome." Kris said, "God, is awesome." I gave him a big hug and was glad he corrected me. I <3 u Kris! God is awesome.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
2nd Trimester
The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the best trimester. This normally is the time when any nauseousness that was experienced during the first three months goes away. Women are also more energized in the second trimester, and because they begin to show, there is more excitement about the pregnancy. Other people begin to notice that you are pregnant, and it begins to feel real to you. Sometimes women are still nauseous in the second trimester, but it is different for everyone. Like I said earlier, I was not even sick in the first three months. Some of the following information was gathered from the website.. But I will again give my personal experiences.
- Larger breasts- This should be expected... and I welcomed it. I didn't enjoy the nipple tenderness and pain. Again, lets be mature. I'm aware I may have some young readers, but there is no other way to say it. Your nipples may hurt. It felt like a needle was poking through mine. The cold weather made them hurt more. It wasn't unbearable, and no reason to complain or avoid pregnancy in the least. Sadly there seems to be more negative information than positive. This is a great side effect that you and your husband will enjoy.
- Growing belly- Some people talk so much about weight gain, and how their bodies will never be the same again, etc. I love having a pregnant belly. It is cute. I began to be even more confident about my body. It is nice to eat and not think about weight gain to an obsession because pregnant women need to eat healthy, and often. They need to gain some weight. This does not give you an excuse to eat too much or eat unhealthy. Pregnant women typically need only 300 more calories a day. But please don't count your calories... and don't diet during pregnancy. Just make better selections. And again, drink plenty of water. Juice is good too, but dilute it with water because it contains an excess of sugar. Sure, babies only weight on average 7 or 7 1/2 pounds when they are born healthy.. boys are typically larger... but a pregnant woman at normal starting weight should gain 30 pounds. More if you are underweight and less if you are overweight to begin with. Oh, and my husband thinks I'm as sexy as ever pregnant. He loves me, and has no complaints about any weight gained. He encourages me to eat healthy, exercise, and have dessert, fries, or burgers if I want them. We want a healthy baby boy, not one born of a mother who is afraid of gaining a little weight. Exercise is important during pregnancy, but in moderation. Talk to your doctor! Women who are a good weight and who exercise typically have easier deliveries.
- Braxton Hicks contractions- I didn't feel anything that felt like a contraction. Maybe it occured without me knowing about it. These shouldn't be painful. When I went for walks, I would sometimes cramp in my side a little, or have to sit down because of pressure on my belly. If you feel painful contractions it could be a sign of preterm labor. In that case you should talk to your OB.
- Skin changes- The skin around your nipples will likely darken. The pregnancy line appears that goes from the top of your belly all the way down. This is pretty neat looking. I'm not really sure why skin darkens. Some women develop a pregnancy rash, or have dark skin in other places, but I didn't experience either of these.
- Stretch marks- Nope! I know I'm lucky, but I haven't had the first stretch mark, and I am 34 weeks pregnant as of yesterday. Exercise and eating right go a long way! So does not worrying about it. If you get stretch marks during pregnancy, it is okay. These are the marks of motherhood, and most women welcome it because motherhood is such a blessing. Your husband will love you regardless. My belly started to itch a little too. I put on Vaseline Intensive Care Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E skill oil every day. Keeping your skin well moisturized is the best bet to preventing stretch marks and itchy skin, but it does not prevent it. Thin, heavy, and normal size women get them.
- Nasal and gum problems- This was really a problem for me. Your gums are more sensitive during pregnancy, so mine bled a little while brushing my teeth. I have a healthy mouth, so it wasn't painful, and they didn't swell... but this could happen whether you mouth is healthy or not. It is caused by increased blood circulation and it is not a big deal. Seeing a dentist is recommended during pregnancy. So is getting the flu shot. This will not hurt you or the baby, and keep sickness at bay is the best thing to do. Your body is working hard to make a person.
- Dizziness- One morning in the shower I felt so dizzy that the room became bright and I couldn't see anything but lights. I came out of the shower and nearly fainted. I dropped to the floor slowly and sat there with my head down for a few minutes. I had actually eaten a bowl of cereal prior to taking a shower. I immediately called my OB after gaining to composure to be able to do so. I was on the way to class. The nurse said to make sure I eat, drink water, and check my blood pressure. This is normal. I was most likely dehydrated. I checked my blood pressure, which was perfect. She said there was no reason to go in. I didn't faint or pass out, but it was not a good feeling. Quick movements and over exertion cause dizziness and the lightheaded feeling.
- Leg cramps- Yes, and charlie horse. Charlie Horse is the tightening of your muscles and it is painful. It happened to me a night a number of times... 2nd trimester and 1st. After your uterus enlarges, there is pressure on your veins that run through your legs. Stretching, exercising, potassium, and drinking water help. When I stretch throughout the day and before bed, I don't have leg cramps.
- Shortness of breath- Pregnancy takes your breathe away. Your blood has to carry more oxygen to the baby. You have to breathe in more deeply.
Friday, March 11, 2011
1st Trimester
I'm going back and writting about my 1st trimester because I started blogging this for class in my 3rd trimester. I grabbed some information from the following link and will talk about my personal experiences, because not all women experience the same thing.
The first thing I noticed was fuller breasts. This is what told me to get a pregnancy test. I took three of them to make sure it was accurate.
I wanted to hurry up and get to the second trimester. I wanted to start showing and feeling pregnant. For me it was a countdown to when I would start showing and feeling like we really are having a baby. It didn't seem real. I gave myself the freedom to eat fast food and dessert if I wanted it. Mostly we just stopped at McDonald's for the $1 menu because it was so cheap and convenient. I have never enjoyed french fries so much!.. not since I was a little child. I continued to eat healthy at home, but lunch at Micky D's was a very common thing.
The first thing I noticed was fuller breasts. This is what told me to get a pregnancy test. I took three of them to make sure it was accurate.
- Tender Breasts- The website says increased hormone production will make your breasts sensitive and fuller. This was exactly what happened with me.
- Bouts of Nausea- Most often called morning sickness because it tends to be worse in the morning. I felt nauseous sometimes, but I didn't have morning sickness, or sickness at any time during the day. The only time I threw up was when I took the prenatal vitamins on an empty stomach. This will make you sick whether you are pregnant or not, and it is not a good feeling. I was queasy sometimes, but it was not at all bad for me. I take care of my health and drinking plenty of water helps.
- Unusual Fatigue- I was so tired. I would get worn out early on in the day and have to take naps. Luckily, I was taking classes at UAB and not working, so I could rest. I am typically very physically active, this began to slow down early on.
- Increased urination- I would wake up several times in the night to use the restroom. Also, i was drinking so much water that I had to go even more. Dehydration is common during pregnancy, and you would be surprised at how thirsty you get and how much water it is necessary to drink.
- Heartburn and constipation- Did not happen for me, thankfully.
- Dizziness- I can't remember being dizzy very early on. I know it happened by the second trimester, and probably as early as the third month.. which is still the first trimester. I was absent-minded frequently too.
- Mood swings- I'm sure I had a few of these, but you would really have to ask my husband. He may remember when it started. I cried more easily on occasion.. but it was only a few times. Emotions and hormones during pregnancy are changing so much, and it is common to have some mood swings.
- Excitement- Yes!
- Worry- Within reason. We were concerned about the change and money.
I wanted to hurry up and get to the second trimester. I wanted to start showing and feeling pregnant. For me it was a countdown to when I would start showing and feeling like we really are having a baby. It didn't seem real. I gave myself the freedom to eat fast food and dessert if I wanted it. Mostly we just stopped at McDonald's for the $1 menu because it was so cheap and convenient. I have never enjoyed french fries so much!.. not since I was a little child. I continued to eat healthy at home, but lunch at Micky D's was a very common thing.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Breastfeeding is something, it seems, most mothers of newborns don't do, but they should. This is probably because most are unaware of how beneficial it is for baby and mother to breastfeed. They either don't realize the benefits, make it out to be harder than it is, or use excuses like work, time, pain, or low milk production. That doesn't make sense to me. Walking up stairs too hard for us, and so is breastfeeding. Women 100s of years ago had to breastfeed because we didn't have the formula that is produced today. Mothers then couldn't use excuses like mothers do now.
My husband and I attended a Breastfeeding class for Brookwood Medical Center at Gold's Gym. I learned so much, and I really recommend all pregnant women make time to attend this class. It is only one night for 2 hours; and you will really change your mind if you consider not breastfeeding your babies. The hospital recommended that husbands, or partners, also attend the class because the more they know about breastfeeding and the benefits, the more supportive they will be.
Some of the most common questions and concerns were answered.
1. Latching on and Breastfeeding Positions
2. What can I eat?
3. How long should I do it?
4. How can I continue to breastfeed if I return to work?
5. Milk Production?
6. Pumping
Some of the most important facts I learned:
1. After giving birth, you should begin breastfeeding as soon as possible... about 15 minutes after the baby is born. This will help the baby catch on to breastfeeding more easily.
2. Babies will be spoiled with the bottle. Breastfeed your baby at least 3 weeks with no bottle so they will not "reject" your breast after being given a bottle. Bottles require much less work for the baby. The bottle nipple releases milk easier and faster than the breast.
3. Formula is more filling that breast milk. Babies who are not breastfed will probably like the formula better.. but it is proven that babies who are breastfed are less likely to be obese as children. If you feed a baby formula, he may not drink the breast milk.
4. There is now a law that employers must provide a mother who wants to breastfeed a private place to pump at work, other than a bathroom. If you are going to pump, you have to pump every 3 hours- as often as your baby eats. Breast milk can be frozen in bottles.
5. There is actually an adapter for you car for electric breast pumps.
6. Mastitis, an infection in the tissue of the breast, is not an excuse to not breastfeed. If you develop it, you should continue to breastfeed because it will actually help with the problem.
Benefits of Breastfeeding vs Formula:
1. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of childhood cancer and breast cancer in mothers.
2. Breastfed babies have higher IQs than babies who are fed formula. The instructor said it is like the difference of a child going to Auburn vs Harvard.
3. Breastfed babies are sick less than formula fed babies.
4. Breastfed babies have straighter and healthier teeth.
5. Breastfed babies are less likely to be obese as children, no matter the weight of the parents.
6. Breastfeeding passes important nutrients and antibodies from mother to baby.
7. Breastfeeding saves money.
8. Breastfeeding helps mom loose weight. It burns 1000 calories more daily.
The instructor recommended that we attend a Breastfeeding support group. This may sound strange, but I think it will be a great idea. I will meet other mothers and share stories and advice. This is my first child, so it will really help.
She recommended several books and websites. I have the information in a folder somewhere. One website is
I want to breastfeed Ethan for a year. I really don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to do this for him and for me.
My husband and I attended a Breastfeeding class for Brookwood Medical Center at Gold's Gym. I learned so much, and I really recommend all pregnant women make time to attend this class. It is only one night for 2 hours; and you will really change your mind if you consider not breastfeeding your babies. The hospital recommended that husbands, or partners, also attend the class because the more they know about breastfeeding and the benefits, the more supportive they will be.
Some of the most common questions and concerns were answered.
1. Latching on and Breastfeeding Positions
2. What can I eat?
3. How long should I do it?
4. How can I continue to breastfeed if I return to work?
5. Milk Production?
6. Pumping
Some of the most important facts I learned:
1. After giving birth, you should begin breastfeeding as soon as possible... about 15 minutes after the baby is born. This will help the baby catch on to breastfeeding more easily.
2. Babies will be spoiled with the bottle. Breastfeed your baby at least 3 weeks with no bottle so they will not "reject" your breast after being given a bottle. Bottles require much less work for the baby. The bottle nipple releases milk easier and faster than the breast.
3. Formula is more filling that breast milk. Babies who are not breastfed will probably like the formula better.. but it is proven that babies who are breastfed are less likely to be obese as children. If you feed a baby formula, he may not drink the breast milk.
4. There is now a law that employers must provide a mother who wants to breastfeed a private place to pump at work, other than a bathroom. If you are going to pump, you have to pump every 3 hours- as often as your baby eats. Breast milk can be frozen in bottles.
5. There is actually an adapter for you car for electric breast pumps.
6. Mastitis, an infection in the tissue of the breast, is not an excuse to not breastfeed. If you develop it, you should continue to breastfeed because it will actually help with the problem.
Benefits of Breastfeeding vs Formula:
1. Breastfeeding lowers the risk of childhood cancer and breast cancer in mothers.
2. Breastfed babies have higher IQs than babies who are fed formula. The instructor said it is like the difference of a child going to Auburn vs Harvard.
3. Breastfed babies are sick less than formula fed babies.
4. Breastfed babies have straighter and healthier teeth.
5. Breastfed babies are less likely to be obese as children, no matter the weight of the parents.
6. Breastfeeding passes important nutrients and antibodies from mother to baby.
7. Breastfeeding saves money.
8. Breastfeeding helps mom loose weight. It burns 1000 calories more daily.
The instructor recommended that we attend a Breastfeeding support group. This may sound strange, but I think it will be a great idea. I will meet other mothers and share stories and advice. This is my first child, so it will really help.
She recommended several books and websites. I have the information in a folder somewhere. One website is
I want to breastfeed Ethan for a year. I really don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to do this for him and for me.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
34 Weeks Pregnant
Friday begins week 34 of pregnancy. I get some of these emails early. I get about 3 each week. It is really interesting to find out what is going on with our baby. It eases my mind, and answers a lot of questions. If it weren't for these emails, I would constantly wonder what was happening in there. It's especially helpful when the emails are so accurate. At 34 weeks it says his movement should be less frequent because he doesn't have as much space to move around in, but that I will now be able to feel the slightest movement. I can also tell if I feel him poking out his bottom, kicking, or jabbing me with his fists. It's pretty strong. It is uncomfortable, and the other night I told Kris I was mad at Ethan because his movement hurt.
We still have not gone to the Pediatrician's office to talk to them. The OB told us to do that when we met with him a month ago. I guess with the moving and Kris working so much, it has been hard to find time. I may just have to go one day while Kris is at work. There are so many things to think about when having a baby. I am going to have to add him on my insurance. We also don't know what we're going to do about childcare. Kris's uncle said he may be able to get us a scholarship for a year of childcare at Covenant Presbyterian Church. That would be so awesome! We are also trying to find a new vehicle. Kris just called me and said he found one he wants us to look at. I hope we like it.
My husband has blue eyes and I have green eyes. Ethan's eyes are sure to be blue when he is born, but I hope they stay blue for the rest of his life. My husband's eyes are so pretty. This week's Pampers email discussed having a birth plan. We talked about this in the Childbirth Preparation Class. There will be two people in the room with me: my husband, Kris, and my mom. After Ethan is born, we will have an hour of private time, they say skin to skin, and it will just be me, Kris, Ethan, and probably the doctor in the room. The class instructor said this is important because it is the first time you are a family with your new baby, and you want to have some time alone. She also said I will be exposed, so you wont really want "Papa" in the room during that time. We learned that it is best to breastfeed as soon as possible after the baby is born. This will make it easier for him to catch on to the process. Some babies don't do as well breastfeeding because a mother waits too long, or doesn't understand the right technique. Thanks to the breastfeeding class, I feel so much more prepared. I am excited about doing it for his benefit and mine. Breastfed babies are more healthy. I will blog later on about breastfeeding. Guys, this is natural.. so let's be mature.
Pampers Email for 34 weeks:
Making the drop. If your baby is a boy, his testicles are now descending from his abdomen into his scrotum. Occasionally, one or both testicles fail to move into position before birth. In this case, your baby's testicles will probably drop before his first birthday. If your infant's scrotum seems large right after birth, don't worry: The swelling is due to extra fluid and will go away in a week or so.
No vacancy. Your baby is moving around less frequently, mostly because of the cramped quarters. Of course, it may not seem as if he's settled down—now that he's so big (about 4.7 to 5 pounds and 15.5 to 16 inches long), you can feel even the slightest movement. In fact, since your baby is right up against the wall of the uterus, you're probably getting good at guessing which body part (foot? elbow? arm?) is protruding.
Baby blues. "Guess what color my eyes are now?" Regardless of the eye color your baby will end up with, right now his eyes are blue. The pigmentation process in his iris won't be complete until his eyes have been exposed to light for several weeks after birth. His final eye color may not be evident for years.
Your Pregnancy
Is it show time? With only a few weeks to go, it's a good idea to know the signs of labor. Labor is different for every woman, but the most common symptoms are regular contractions that occur at increasingly short intervals, lower-back pain accompanied by menstrual-like cramps, a broken bag of waters (rupturing of the amniotic sac), or a blood-tinged mucous discharge, which may indicate that your cervix has started dilating. Be aware that the presence of any of these symptoms doesn't necessarily mean that you're in labor. You may have signs of labor days or even weeks before you actually give birth. Let your health care provider be the judge; if you have any of these symptoms, call him or her immediately.
Finalizing your birth plan. Most likely you've done some research and thought a lot about how you want your labor and birth to go—which family members you want present, whether you want pain medication, and so on. You've probably also discussed your wishes with your health care provider. Now is a great time to go over your preferences again with your doctor or midwife to refresh her memory and to make sure you're both still on the same page.
From the experts. You may find that as your breasts enlarge, the stretched skin becomes itchy. "You might want to try a soothing lotion on them, one without irritating perfumes," suggests Elaine Zwelling, R.N., Ph.D. "Vitamin E ointment, cocoa butter, or a purified lanolin balm will work well too."
Moving While Preggers
Well this is a completely different experience when you are pregnant. My husband and I moved into a new, two bedroom apartment, and we are on the second floor. You are probably wondering why we would choose the second floor when we are having our first baby. Well, the top floor is the only floor available with vaulted ceilings and a fireplace. Also, we felt that living on the top floor would be much more safe than on the first floor.
Because we did not buy a house this year, apartment safety was our biggest concern. We needed to make sure that we feel safe, and actually are safe. Our first apartment together was on the first floor. Kris was not there one week because he was away on a business trip. I had nightmares that someone was breaking in the window. I found my whole body became completely stiff and I could not move. This happened twice. It was the most horrible feeling. I was frightened. Also, I would wake up in the middle of the night, and peak my head around the corner into the living room and click on the light to make sure no one was there. We finally bought a closet from The Home Depot and put it in front of the window. This made me feel much more safe, as someone would not be able to break in our window.
Pregnant women should not be lifting anything over 20 pounds. Most of what we moved into the new apartment was over 20 pounds. I could not just sit and watch my husband break his back and strain his muscles lifting all of our heavy furniture. He got help from my brothers and a friend, but he loaded and unloaded three trucks of furniture, boxes, etc. He was sore for two days. It took me two days to recover also. I packed the boxes while he was at work, and I helped my mom with unpacking the boxes in the new apartment, and cleaning and organizing. We walked up and down the stairs several times. My mom decided that we would no longer walk up and down the stairs. We would stay in the apartment and they could bring things to us to put away. She was such a big help and I couldn't have done it without her. Thanks Mom!
Typically I would help carrying boxes and furniture. I am not really a weakling. I run and workout, when I am not pregnant. I could have done a lot.. but not this time. Just walking up the stairs carrying pillows took my breath away. Kris would see me and say, "Baby, stop! Just go inside and sit down." He would take things out of my hand. They were so helpful. They did not want me to do anything. My mom told me to lie down. I know it seems like I would be happy about not having to do much, but I didn't like seeing everyone else work. Kris is in great shape! He carried some really heavy things by himself. He carried the bulk of the weight with every piece of furniture my brothers and his friend helped him with.
Kris also spent that Sunday putting together our baby's crib and changing table. He was so excited to do it. It looks great. He has been working hard. Our next step is painting the baby's bedroom; something I wont be able to help with. I was picking out wall colors yesterday and asked Kris what he thought. It was funny. He looked at me like, what do you want me to do with this. I had forgotten that my husband is color blind.
We have so much furniture, we could actually fill a 3 bedroom house. My baby shower is this Sunday, and I know the apartment will be a little crowded after getting the rocking chair, pack 'n play, and everything else babies need for sleep and play. This is such an exciting time. We feel blessed to live in such a nice apartment. It has all the new upgrades, cherry cabinets, black marble counter tops, black appliances, vaulted ceiling, fireplace, new carpet. Our apartment was the apartment they used to show new residents. It has not been lived in. We have a balcony overlooking the lake. It is twice the size of our previous apartment. We have more cabinet space in the kitchen and bathrooms than I could ask for. Sure, we would love to have a house, but this apartment is luxurious.
Because we did not buy a house this year, apartment safety was our biggest concern. We needed to make sure that we feel safe, and actually are safe. Our first apartment together was on the first floor. Kris was not there one week because he was away on a business trip. I had nightmares that someone was breaking in the window. I found my whole body became completely stiff and I could not move. This happened twice. It was the most horrible feeling. I was frightened. Also, I would wake up in the middle of the night, and peak my head around the corner into the living room and click on the light to make sure no one was there. We finally bought a closet from The Home Depot and put it in front of the window. This made me feel much more safe, as someone would not be able to break in our window.
Pregnant women should not be lifting anything over 20 pounds. Most of what we moved into the new apartment was over 20 pounds. I could not just sit and watch my husband break his back and strain his muscles lifting all of our heavy furniture. He got help from my brothers and a friend, but he loaded and unloaded three trucks of furniture, boxes, etc. He was sore for two days. It took me two days to recover also. I packed the boxes while he was at work, and I helped my mom with unpacking the boxes in the new apartment, and cleaning and organizing. We walked up and down the stairs several times. My mom decided that we would no longer walk up and down the stairs. We would stay in the apartment and they could bring things to us to put away. She was such a big help and I couldn't have done it without her. Thanks Mom!
Typically I would help carrying boxes and furniture. I am not really a weakling. I run and workout, when I am not pregnant. I could have done a lot.. but not this time. Just walking up the stairs carrying pillows took my breath away. Kris would see me and say, "Baby, stop! Just go inside and sit down." He would take things out of my hand. They were so helpful. They did not want me to do anything. My mom told me to lie down. I know it seems like I would be happy about not having to do much, but I didn't like seeing everyone else work. Kris is in great shape! He carried some really heavy things by himself. He carried the bulk of the weight with every piece of furniture my brothers and his friend helped him with.
Kris also spent that Sunday putting together our baby's crib and changing table. He was so excited to do it. It looks great. He has been working hard. Our next step is painting the baby's bedroom; something I wont be able to help with. I was picking out wall colors yesterday and asked Kris what he thought. It was funny. He looked at me like, what do you want me to do with this. I had forgotten that my husband is color blind.
We have so much furniture, we could actually fill a 3 bedroom house. My baby shower is this Sunday, and I know the apartment will be a little crowded after getting the rocking chair, pack 'n play, and everything else babies need for sleep and play. This is such an exciting time. We feel blessed to live in such a nice apartment. It has all the new upgrades, cherry cabinets, black marble counter tops, black appliances, vaulted ceiling, fireplace, new carpet. Our apartment was the apartment they used to show new residents. It has not been lived in. We have a balcony overlooking the lake. It is twice the size of our previous apartment. We have more cabinet space in the kitchen and bathrooms than I could ask for. Sure, we would love to have a house, but this apartment is luxurious.
Monday, February 28, 2011
32 Weeks Pregnant
I had another OB apt. this morning. I met Dr. Ross. I am still measuring about a week ahead, which doesn't mean he will be early. It may just mean he will be born at about 8 1/2 pounds, about a pound bigger than average. I asked him if there was anything I can do.. and there isn't much. He said typically women who exercise during pregnancy have smaller babies.. so I'm going to try to kick up the walking in the last 7 weeks. My appetite has been so weird. Some days I can't decide if I'm hungry, or what to eat. Today I was hungry every 3 hrs. I was so tired too. We moved into our new apartment Saturday. I didn't carry anything, of course, but my mom and I worked on unpacking boxes and putting things in the kitchen and organizing things in the bathroom, etc. It wore me out. Saturday night I didn't get much sleep because our bed was not completely set up, and it was uncomfortable for me to sleep on the mattress on the floor. Today I took a 3 hr. long nap after my class at UAB. My body was so sore and achy earlier, but it feels better now that I've had a chance to relax.
My husband, Kris put together baby Ethan's crib and changing table. We have decided to paint the bedroom baby blue and baby orange. I can't wait until we are finished with it. It will be a lot of work because we have so much to do after the move.
I have had a little more swelling, but nothing major. I have gained 38 pounds during pregnancy. That is about 10 pounds more than I think I should. My husband does not seem to mind. He keeps telling me, "You're pregnant!" and tells the Dr.'s and other people, "She's really healthy. She eats really healthy and walks." He is so good to me. He knows I will bounce right back to normal size this Summer. He thinks I look sexy pregnant! I love him!
It is amazing how much we could see in the 4D ultrasound pictures at 28 weeks. Ethan looked just like his daddy. Kris asked me, "When you see other pregnant women, do you feel connected to them now?" I told him yes, because we have something in common. He said he does too. He says he always tells people that his wife is pregnant. I am so glad to have a husband who is proud of me and the things we have going on. He told several people today about our move into our 2 bedroom apartment, and he always says he likes to "Show me off." He is so perfect.
My main complaint at 32 weeks is being uncomfortable just sitting, and not being able to move around the same way. Also, waking up in the middle of the night because my leg is cramping, or my back is hurting, or I'm thirsty, or have to use the bathroom.. all of these are really annoying. My husband asked me if I was okay one morning, because I'd been awake moaning and groaning because my body ached.
The best thing about 32 weeks is getting everything ready for Ethan's birth. We have taken the Childbirth Preparation, Infant CPR, and Breastfeeding classes. My baby shower is in two weeks. We are working on the nursery now, learning how to do the carseat, and talking with a Pediatrician. Everyday there is something to do having to do with our baby. I really enjoy getting on Facebook also to see all my friends that are pregnant, or were pregnant, but just had their babies. We share our experiences and get helpful advice. Craigslist has also been fun for us. I like searching to see what baby items people are posting. Pregnancy is so much fun and exciting, but it is so much better because I have such a loving and caring husband who I am able to share this amazing experience with. We enjoy spending time with each other, and we are going to be such great parents.
My husband, Kris put together baby Ethan's crib and changing table. We have decided to paint the bedroom baby blue and baby orange. I can't wait until we are finished with it. It will be a lot of work because we have so much to do after the move.
I have had a little more swelling, but nothing major. I have gained 38 pounds during pregnancy. That is about 10 pounds more than I think I should. My husband does not seem to mind. He keeps telling me, "You're pregnant!" and tells the Dr.'s and other people, "She's really healthy. She eats really healthy and walks." He is so good to me. He knows I will bounce right back to normal size this Summer. He thinks I look sexy pregnant! I love him!
It is amazing how much we could see in the 4D ultrasound pictures at 28 weeks. Ethan looked just like his daddy. Kris asked me, "When you see other pregnant women, do you feel connected to them now?" I told him yes, because we have something in common. He said he does too. He says he always tells people that his wife is pregnant. I am so glad to have a husband who is proud of me and the things we have going on. He told several people today about our move into our 2 bedroom apartment, and he always says he likes to "Show me off." He is so perfect.
My main complaint at 32 weeks is being uncomfortable just sitting, and not being able to move around the same way. Also, waking up in the middle of the night because my leg is cramping, or my back is hurting, or I'm thirsty, or have to use the bathroom.. all of these are really annoying. My husband asked me if I was okay one morning, because I'd been awake moaning and groaning because my body ached.
The best thing about 32 weeks is getting everything ready for Ethan's birth. We have taken the Childbirth Preparation, Infant CPR, and Breastfeeding classes. My baby shower is in two weeks. We are working on the nursery now, learning how to do the carseat, and talking with a Pediatrician. Everyday there is something to do having to do with our baby. I really enjoy getting on Facebook also to see all my friends that are pregnant, or were pregnant, but just had their babies. We share our experiences and get helpful advice. Craigslist has also been fun for us. I like searching to see what baby items people are posting. Pregnancy is so much fun and exciting, but it is so much better because I have such a loving and caring husband who I am able to share this amazing experience with. We enjoy spending time with each other, and we are going to be such great parents.
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