Last night I dreamed that I was in labor. It was the weirdest dream. I probably felt like I was in labor. I couldn’t get comfortable last night. I got up several times to get something to drink, stretch, and use the bathroom. I know Kris heard my moans and groans. In the dream I was wheeled into a big room. It wasn’t a private room, and it didn’t look anything like Brookwood Medical Center. There was a woman in my room, lying on her wheel around bed. I told her I was afraid I may have to have a C-section because our baby is measuring a week ahead, and has been throughout my third trimester. She said she had just given birth to a big baby. She said her baby weighed 11 lbs. Then I thought, oh, I should be fine then. Our baby will probably be about 8 lbs. The weird part of the dream was that in the room there was a switchboard looking thing in front of the bed. My husband works on computers, but this wasn’t a computer. It had wires and plugs. It was like what you see in an old radio station.
The best part of the dream was that it was a week or two before my due date. I’d like to think this means I’ll go into labor before my due date. Ethan is due April 22nd. If he’s two weeks early, that’ll be April 8th; one week early is April 15th. When I woke up this morning I was thinking about the fact that a lot of the women I know are being induced. I talked to Dr. Campbell, my OB, about inducing me a week early to give me time to recover before finals. She said this was a possibility. The girls I know are always scheduled on a Monday morning. If they schedule me to be induced on Monday of the week Ethan is due (he is due on a Friday), that will be April 18th. April 18th is my older brother’s birthday, and I don’t get along with my older brother. Most of the time we hate each other. I really hope it just happens naturally around April 8th, and that is in 3 weeks.
We are getting the rocking chair today. It was delivered to my parent’s house, and Kris will put it together as soon as they bring it to us I’m sure. Last night we went to Home Depot to pick out wall colors, and realized that it would cost us over $100 to paint his room. This would be fine, but we would have to find out what colors the walls are now and repaint them before we move out of our apartment. It’s best if we just leave it. Also, Kris had to drill into the wall to get Ethan’s closet to stand up straight (remember, this is the closet that Kris built for Ethan which started tilting when moved). Kris’s grandfather passed away about two months ago. Kris’s parents are giving us the wood furniture from one of the bedrooms of his house: a queen size bed, two dressers, and a nightstand. We are driving to Cullman tomorrow to pick it all up. I searched for diaper bags yesterday and found one the same design as Ethan’s pack n’ play. We’ll go get it, or order it this week and pack our hospital bags for the big day.
My next appointment is Wednesday, March 23rd. The doctor will “check” me and do the Strep B test. I am so embarrassed. I wish it was Dr. Campbell, but I’m meeting another doctor, and Dr. Campbell is the only female. For the Strep B test, the doctor will have to swab the vagina and rectum. It is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is harmful for infants who can pick it up very easily during vaginal birth. Women who test positive are given antibiotics during labor and delivery to prevent it from being passed to the newborn. You can read more about Strep B at
Well, I’m going for a walk. My husband should be home from working this morning in an hour, so I need to get some exercise in. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs!
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