Yesterday, March 13, 2011, was our baby shower. Typically the best friend or family member other than the pregnant woman's mom throws the baby shower, but my mom hosted our baby shower. She did a great job hosting. Several of my family members live in other states. The only two women in my family in Alabama are my mom and grandmother. Kris's whole family is in Alabama. We feel so blessed to have them close by. They will be such a tremendous help when Ethan arrives.
Also, men are not typically invited. My husband helped at the beginning, and then left the room to watch TV with my brother. I called him up soon after I started opening the gifts. I really wanted him to be there. He said he was glad I did because he wanted to be there too. Several people were out of town and unable to attend, but we really missed them.
We started by sitting around and talking. I felt like the early guests were bored and waiting for something to happen, so I suggested that we eat. My mom had deli and fruit trays. Next we opened the gifts, and that's when I asked someone to tell Kris to come back in the room. We feel so blessed. Our family and friends really spoiled us with presents for Ethan. We do not have to take anything back. All of it was what we needed for him. We got the baby monitor and a nursing pad to help me nurse him. We got the pack n' play, two swings, a big one that sits higher up, and a portable swing that we can put in the car and take to visit our family. I opened clothes, sleepers, rattles, teethers, a baby robe, clippers, childproof kit for the house, socks, diapers, wipes, bath stuff, Baby Einstein sound and light thing for the bed, mirrors, head support for his car seat, etc. etc. We are having a Rocking Chair delivered to us and a washer and dryer delivered on Thursday from my grandmother. Kris was keeping the washer and dryer a surprise. We just moved into our new apartment and really needed one. After presents, I cut the cake, and we ate and talked, and thanked everyone! It was nice to get together, and we hope we can do this more often. We are really close to having everything ready for him. The crib, changing table, car seat, stroller, dresser, closet, bedding, decorations, all of it has been taken care of. We will pick out the wall colors this week and Kris is going to paint and fix his closet and bookcase. My husband enjoys putting things together, but he is wearing himself thin. I hope someone will help him paint, or maybe fix the closet for him. He also works 50 hours a week. This morning I thought his eyes would never open. He put together the crib, changing table, closet, which is now tilting after the move so we have to fix it, both swings, the pack n' play. Did I mention we just moved! He moved us into our two bedroom apartment with furniture that could fill three bedrooms. My brothers and a friend helped, but he did most of it... and when they carried it, he lifted the bulk of the weight for them. We are expecting a new bedroom suit, queen size bed, two dressers, nightstand, and probably another piece of furniture. I hope someone just moves that for him. He needs a break!
On the way home, Kris asked me if I was disappointed the shower was over. I said no, I was looking forward to everything else too. He said he looked forward to this for a long time and he was sad it is over. :) It did go by really fast. He also asked me if I thought we had a normal life. Last year someone told me normal is just a setting on the washer. We have a wonderful life! After we were through putting everything up, I said "God, we're awesome." Kris said, "God, is awesome." I gave him a big hug and was glad he corrected me. I <3 u Kris! God is awesome.
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